Monday 29 December 2014

Philippians 4:8-9 –Thinking right

The human mind is a like war zone where conflicts take place on a daily basis. There is no place in the world where more battles are fought than in the human mind. The greatest conflict in the world today is the battle to control the mind. Recognizing the importance of winning the battle for the mind, Paul included Philippians 4:8-9 to give the Philippians a list of mental attitudes which they should develop.

When Paul called on them to think, he was essentially calling on them to ponder, to consider, to reflect, to give continuous attention to and to be occupied with. What were the things that they should think about? Here’s the list: 

  1. Things that are true – things that are accurate, correct, real and exact and would reveal truth.·
  2. Things that are honorable – things that are upright, moral, noble and would bring honest value.  
  3. Things that are right – things that are just, veracious and not shady.
  4.  Things that are pure – things that do not contaminate and wholesome
  5. Things that are lovely – things that are pleasant, delightful, splendid and will produce concord
  6. Things that are of good repute – things that are winsome and attractive and of good reputation.
  7. Things that are excellent – things that are virtuous, exceptional and outstanding and admirable.
  8. Things that are praiseworthy – things that deserve praise, laudable and exemplary.
Every believer ought to learn to filter the thoughts that pass through their mind. If they bear the marks of these eight positive characteristics, then the believer should meditate on them. If they do not, the believer should learn to repudiate and reject them.

To round up what he had instructed them to do, Paul appealed to them to emulate him. He did not only teach them, but had also lived and practiced before them the standards that he taught. Here he used four emphatic words to urge them to follow his example. The Philippians had learned and received from him and heard and seen it through his lifestyle. So now they ought to carry it out. He assured them that if they practiced them, they would experience the nearness of the God of peace. To have the peace of God, we need the God of peace.

Paradigm is defined as the way our mind makes sense of the world, it’s the way our mind interpret life. Paradigms are like the maps in our minds, they help to direct how we can live and guide us to our desired goals. To make quantum leap changes in life, we need to change our paradigm. We need a paradigm that is aligned with God’s Word. Remember, we think so we act!

Sow a thought, reap an action,
Sow an actions, reap a habit,
Sow a habit, reap a character,
Sow a character, and reap a destiny.    

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