Tuesday 9 December 2014

Galatians 6:6-10 – The Law of the harvest

The principle of sowing and reaping is also referred to as the Law of the harvest. It is a very exacting law. It states that “Whatsoever a man sows, this he will also reap.” In Galatians 6:6-10, Paul wrote concerning this principle. Basically he applied it to three areas of a believer’s life. First, he applied it to the teaching of God’s Word (v.6). Secondly, he applied it to the cultivating of the believer’s conduct (vv.7-8). Then finally, he applied it to the believer’s ministry (vv.9-10).

Relating to God’s Word, Paul told his readers that they who received instruction ought to support their teachers, through whom they had received the Word of faith. Just as a workman deserves his wages, so also a teacher deserves support. For those who minister
the Gospel should live by means of the Gospel. So here Paul explicitly told the Galatians so.  

In verse 8, Paul deals with it from the perspective of the believers’ moral conduct. A holy conduct is determined by where one sows the seeds. Christian life is a battleground for two forces – the flesh or the Spirit. Here a believer can either sow to the flesh or sow to the Spirit. Sowing to the flesh would of necessity cultivate godless character. The seeds come from the thoughts and deeds of life. If a believer panders to the carnal nature instead of crucifying it, he would reap ungodliness and corruption. On the other hand, a believer can sow to the Spirit. The seeds are the same – one’s thoughts and deeds. When believers sow to the Spirit by setting the mind on things that are above where Christ is seated, they will inherit eternal life.

In verses 9-10, Paul turned to apply this law to the believers’ ministry. Here he said that a reward awaits those who resolutely serve without growing weary or discouraged. Paul probably understood the ministry well. It is so easy to be discouraged and become weary in ministry. Here he provided an incentive for all to continue to labor for the Lord. He told them that ultimately, believers who persist in the ministry will reap rewards although he did not specify what it would be.  We all know that to see people being saved in the Lord and edified are already enriching. So in Paul’s spirit, let’s go on serving others faithfully, especially those within the household of God.

Remember - Our life is like a garden; our thoughts and deeds are the seeds. We can either grow flowers, or we can grow weeds. So if we don’t like what we are reaping, check the seeds we are sowing!

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