Wednesday 31 July 2024

Nehemiah 1:1-4 – Integrity, empathy, and devotion to prayer

These opening verses of the book introduce us to Nehemiah, a godly Jew in the palace in Persia. His rise to the role of the king’s cupbearer, a position of utmost trust, is a significant aspect of his character. As the cupbearer, he was responsible for tasting and serving the king’s wine, ensuring it was free from poison, a duty that could cost him his life.

As a cupbearer, Nehemiah had regular access to the king and a level of trust that was crucial for God’s work through him. Despite being away from his homeland, Nehemiah’s heart was deeply connected to Jerusalem and the returnees. His frequent inquiries about the situation back home were a sign of his deep empathy and a way of showing that he genuinely understood their plight.

Verses 1-4 reveal that while Nehemiah was in Susa, the capital of Persia, his brother Hanani and some Jews from Judah came and informed him of the dire situation in Jerusalem. They reported that “the remnant there in the province who survived the captivity are in great distress and reproach, and the wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates are burned with fire.” This distressing news was the catalyst for Nehemiah’s actions.

Upon hearing the distressing news about Jerusalem and the Jews who had returned, Nehemiah’s immediate response was to pray. He sat down, wept, and mourned for days, fasting and praying before the God of heaven. His unwavering devotion to prayer in the face of adversity is truly inspiring. 

Lessons gleaned from these verses.

Firstly, we learn that being godly and trustworthy are essential assets to be God’s effective instrument. Secondly, empathy and staying connected with the community we are part of are necessary to be that instrument for the community’s progress. We need to empathize to understand the pains and emotions of the people we are called to serve. Thirdly, we must not allow despair to paralyze us, but instead, we should channel our strength to earnestly pray and seek God’s direction on what He wants us to do. Nehemiah’s examples teach us the importance of integrity, empathy, and the profound impact of praying to God during challenging times.

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