Thursday 1 August 2024

Nehemiah 1:4-11 – The importance of prayer

When Nehemiah heard of the distressing situation of the returnees and the condition in Jerusalem, the first thing he did was to turn to God. He identified sin as the root cause of their trouble. Identifying with the people, Nehemiah humbly confessed, repented, wept, fasted, and prayed for the people. As Nehemiah interceded for the people, he identified with them in their failings.  

How Nehemiah approached God in prayer shows the critical elements of a genuine and effective prayer. In prayer, he acknowledged the centrality of God in their lives. Nehemiah recognized God as “the Lord God of heaven, the great and awesome God, who preserves the covenant and lovingkindness for those who love Him and keep His commandments.”

Secondly, Nehemiah identified sin and disobedience as the contributing factors to their problem. They had departed from the instructions laid down by God through Moses concerning the consequences of disobedience. Despite God’s explicit instruction, they chose to walk contrary to His ways. Thirdly, Nehemiah knew that repentance and returning to the way of obedience was God’s prescription for an aligned relationship with God.

Verses 10-11 show us the attitude and desire Nehemiah adopted as he approached God. He reminded God that they were still His chosen people before he asked God to grant him favor, hear his prayer, and grant him success in what he intends to undertake. In saying that he was the king’s cupbearer, Nehemiah asked God to grant him favor with Artaxerxes, whom he served.  

Every life experience we encounter reflects the state of our relationship with God, whether we recognize it or not. Prayer is a divine tool that helps us nurture this relationship. Our sensitivity to His leading determines our ability to turn to Him in prayer. The more we draw near to Him, the more accurately we can identify how to align with Him.  

We learn the importance of acknowledging God’s centrality in our lives, identifying areas of sin and disobedience, and seeking repentance and obedience from Nehemiah’s approach to prayer. Nehemiah’s prayer also demonstrates to us the significance of identifying with others in their failings and approaching God with humility, acknowledging our need for His favor and guidance. Finally, Nehemiah’s example teaches us that prayer is a vital tool for nurturing our relationship with God and seeking alignment with His will.

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