Wednesday 3 July 2024

Hosea 13:4-11 – Don't be ungrateful to God.

Hosea 13:4-11 looks back to Israel’s past to establish their unfaithfulness and betrayal as God’s chosen people. Their history, from the time in Egypt, had established that the Lord would be their God, and they would be His people. God even warned them against worshiping any other god, for only He alone could save them.

Verses 5-6 shows that God not only saved them but also lavished them with care and protection. He attended to their every need and provided for them even in the harshest circumstances, such as the arid and dry wilderness. Yet, in their comfort and prosperity, they succumbed to pride and forgot God, their benefactor.  

This led to the necessity of divine discipline. Hosea, in verses 7-8, described how God set out to discipline them. The use of metaphors like lion, leopard, and bear robbing of her cubs, and lioness, underscored the severity of the divine discipline, leaving no room for escape. Their choice to abandon the Lord would lead to their just punishment.

Hosea also referred to their request for a king in verses 10-11. Their request was evident of their rejection of God as their king. This rejection had serious consequences. God granted their request and gave them a king. However, the king could not provide the protection and security they wanted. Hosea then declared that the whole monarchy to be scheduled for judgment.  

We must always keep in mind the importance of never forgetting God, our source of life. Even during times of comfort and prosperity, we must consciously avoid giving in to pride, which can jeopardize our commitment to God. It is crucial to remain faithful and humble, especially in the face of achievements and moments of success.

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