Tuesday 9 July 2024

Esther 2 – God never stops working in our lives

Although Vashti was banished, King Xerxes did not pursue a replacement for her. And when his anger had subsided, he thought about the exiled queen and what he had done to her frequently. This frequent contemplation of his actions seems to indicate the apparent regret the king felt. It could be that he has remorse in his heart. Realizing it, the King’s advisers suggested selecting an official queen.

Consequently, the King made a decree to search for a queen. When the decree went out, the most stunning young women in the kingdom were summoned to the palace. Here, they underwent a rigorous and thorough grooming and preparation process, which included beauty treatments, etiquette lessons, and cultural education, all in hopes of being chosen by the King to be his queen.

Among those who came hoping to be the prospective queen was Esther, an orphan raised by her cousin Mordecai. They were two of those Jewish exiles.  Mordecai advised Esther to conceal her Jewish heritage while living in the palace.

After a rigorous year of intensive beauty preparation, each young woman was presented individually to the King in a grand ceremony. Each one, adorned in their finest attire and with their beauty enhanced, was introduced to the King. Finally, the King made his choice, and Esther was crowned queen.

As providence would have it, Mordecai’s presence around the palace allowed him to uncover a plot to assassinate the King. He then acted with remarkable courage and informed the King through Esther. His brave act led to the capture and execution of the would-be assassins. Though Mordecai was not publicly honored, his heroic deed was recorded in the official records.

All things happen to believers by divine providence, not by chance. Even when events unfold unexpectedly, God’s unseen hand is working things out for our good. This reminds us to reflect on the role of divine providence, God’s destiny, and His excellent plan for our lives. Don't be discouraged by negative experiences but stay confident in God who is working out something positive in us through all of them.

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