Thursday 16 April 2020

1 Samuel 30:11-15 – The need to collaborate with God

In our spiritual journey, seeking God’s guidance is just one part of the equation, following what He has revealed is another. David had sought the direction of the LORD, and it was now left to him to act upon what He had revealed. Like David, God expects us to collaborate with Him. We need to seek God so that we can move in the right direction, but acting and moving in that direction is our responsibility. Faith is active. It requires that we act on what we believe God has shown us. We need to know that we are saved by grace through faith, but the working out of our salvation with fear and trembling is our responsibility. As we responsibly work with God and work out what we need to do, then God in His part will bring about spiritual growth.   

Here we see David illustrating it for us. Having given the green light by God to pursue, he still had to make the decision about where to start and which way to go. So they headed south. Midway, David still had to decide to leave behind 200 exhausted men at Besor. Like David, the outcome of our spiritual journey is promised. But meanwhile, we need to be disciplined and work on the process toward the outcome. Receiving Christ and being justified in Him is only the first step. Having to move in tandem with God through the process of sanctification towards the ultimate state of glorification, are steps that we need to take incrementally in collaboration with God.

As David did his part, soon something turned up that would become key to his mission to rescue his people. They stumbled onto an Egyptian who was left behind by his master, an Amalekite. He was sick and the master did not want to be burdened by him, so he abandoned him. Here he was, sick, starving and parched, for he had not eaten or drunk for three days. David and his men then nourished him. When he was better they interrogated him and discovered that the Amalekites had been raiding “…the Negev of the Cherethites, and on that which belongs to Judah, and on the Negev of Caleb, and we burned Ziklag with fire”. So now we see that Achish’s thought that David was the one who had made himself a stench to the Israelites was wrong. It was the Amalekites who were raiding the Israelites camp. What they did contribute to Achish’s trust of David. But the last clue that the Amalekites were the ones who had burned Ziklag was critical to David. So he asked the Egyptian to bring them to where the Amalekites were. That Egyptian was smart to make him promise, saying, “Swear to me by God that you will not kill me or deliver me into the hands of my master, and I will bring you down to this band.”

The lesson: God always works in collaboration with us. While it is true that He is for us, but taking steps in tandem with His leading is our responsibility. In our journey and in everything we do, remember to seek God for guidance. When He shows us what we need to do, be sure to be obedient and act on them. Taking action is our part!

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