Friday 22 July 2016

Luke 22:24-30 - Greatness through serving

The ugly side of their fallen nature surfaced among the disciples. Each of them wanted to be greater than the rest. After Jesus had revealed about His soon departure, they, each of them, were eyeing the leadership.  They did not share Jesus' spirit at that moment. It must have been disheartening for the Lord. We are told that a dispute arose among them. A dispute is more than just an argument. It's a sharp contention. Verse 24 tells us that there arose one. And the disciples were engaged in a heated dissension. Just imagine the volume it must have generated, the decibel that must have increased. Each of them wanted to outdo the other to prove that he was the greatest. Their bickering had exposed their self-interest. Yet the Lord patiently helped them to resolve the issue.

The worldly concept of leadership is to dominate and show who has the upper hand, the authority and power. But Jesus told them that with His followers, it ought not to be so. The attitude of one who wants to lead, must be unassuming. In Jesus' reckoning, a leader's greatness is found in service and not in demanding service. Jesus asked two pointed questions to help them see the core attitude of the one who wants to be great. Greatness is found in service, not in waiting to be served. Jesus is the clearest example of that true greatness. He is the ultimate model. He stood as one who serves.

The Lord was far more patient with them than us. He terminated the discussion by reminding them of the authority that would be theirs in the Kingdom. So in verses 28-30, He told them that their authority in the future would definitely be unlike the delusive authority of the earthly kings. The authority of the Kingdom would not be found in exerting lordship and demanding authority, but to follow in the steps of Jesus closely. Let’s be engaged in meeting the needs of the fallen humanity. Be armed with a humble readiness to serve. Be cheerful and willing to fill any post, no matter how lowly. For these are the true tests of Christian greatness.

As Paul said in Philippians 2, "Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind ...; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus...He emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant...."

True greatness is best seen in serving!

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