Sunday 17 July 2016

Luke 21:37-38 - Perfect security

In just two verses, we see the Lord's daily routine. He was totally secured and settled. He knew the Father's will for His life perfectly, and would go about the routine to accomplish the Father's purpose for Him. In the day He would teach in the temple. At night He would spend time with His disciples under the star-lit sky of Mount Olive. We can safely imagine that He would also spend time talking to the Father. Luke also tells us that people would daily throng the temple early in the morning, just to hear Him teach. 

We know that He had to face hostile groups who were antagonistic towards Him. He also had to face the religious leaders who plotted and schemed to get rid of Him. They were out to get Him and often they would ask questions with the intention to ensnare Him. But He had taught His disciples not to worry about tomorrow. He had taught them to rely on the Father. So here in Luke 21:37-38, He was merely demonstrating such a life style. Despite all the lurking dangers, He abandoned Himself to the work that the Father had assigned Him to do. Although He was fully cognizant of His impending crucifixion, death, and resurrection, He did not shrink from the task. He was sure of what He came to do and went about it resolutely.

The point is this: He lived what He taught. He lived a worry-free life. He didn't even regard the dangers that he had to face daily. Why? Because He was totally secured in the Father. He knew that nothing could happen to Him unless God had appointed them. And nothing could happen to Him until God's appointed time. Christ was purposeful, selfless and dedicated to His mission. He was totally settled and He resolutely fulfilled the Father's will for Him.

What about us? What must we do? Like Christ we must trust and obey. Work while it is yet day, for when night comes, no man can work. Be assured of His abiding peace and security, and diligently live and work with and for Him.

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