Monday 11 July 2016

Luke 21:1-4 - Money Speaks

It is said that money speaks. Yes, it speaks volumes. How we use money reveals the condition of our hearts. That's why how we give to God reveals the degree of our affection for Him. For where our treasure is, there will our heart be as well. Jesus knew this well. Hence, He stationed Himself near the treasury in Luke 21:1-4. From there Jesus could observe not only how much people gave but also how they gave. Whether one was rich or poor, none escaped His notice.

As an aside, we need to know that Jesus is still watching our giving. But He is not so concerned about the amount we give, as much as the attitude we display when we give. Today, He is still assessing the attitude of our hearts as we put in our offering each week. And nothing escapes His notice too.

That day, what captured Jesus' attention and admiration was a poor widow and her giving. The amount she gave could not be compared with the amount the rich were giving. She probably walked toward the treasury gingerly but unpretentiously. Unlike the rich, she did not want to be noticed. So quietly, she just placed her two small insignificant copper coins into the treasury. Or so she thought. But while no one cared about the amount she gave, God did and Jesus did.

Apart from the announcement the rich would make before putting their money into the treasury, the amount would also make lots of sound when it hit the bottom of the treasury. But the poor widow's two small copper coins probably did not even create a sound. Yet what she gave spoke louder than all the money the rich gave. Why? She had given all that she had, while the rich had only given out of their left-overs. It's not the amount, it's the heart.

An analysis of the amount God has at His disposal would tell us that God does not need our money. While He does not need our money, He wants us. And the amount and the attitude in giving, express eloquently how much of ourselves we have given to Him. What does our giving speak about our affection for God? So be mindful, Jesus is still watching!

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