Friday 15 July 2016

Luke 21:25-33 - Signs of His Return

Having described the signs that would precede the destruction of the temple, Christ proceeded to talk about signs that would precede His return. He brought back the subject of increased natural disasters and changing cosmic signs. Much of what Christ said here were already foretold in the Old Testament. The subject of His second coming is virtually inexhaustible.  Joel 2:30-31, Isaiah 13:10; 34:4; and Ezekiel 32:7 all foretold of these signs.

As these natural disasters and cosmic signs take place, men will become anxious and apprehensive increasingly. But, it will be in the midst of all these that Christ will come, in the clouds with all His authority, power and glory. When these signs take place, Christ's exhortation for believers is to straighten up and look up, for our redemption is drawing near. The call of Christ here is to be ready in the midst of man's fear and confusion. We should brace ourselves for the ultimate deliverance from this sin-sick world, with all its temptation, sickness, sorrow and death. But when will this take place?

In verses 29-33, Christ gave some hopeful and encouraging signs for us believers. He said, when a fig tree or any tree is budding and its branches are being renewed, we will know that the new season will be here soon. In the same way when we see all the natural and atmospheric changes, we know that Christ is coming soon. Christ will return in glory with full power and authority. Our King will be here soon. His coming is not only near but will be sudden. So be prepared. As all these signs take place, lawlessness and wickedness will simultaneously increase, with frequency and intensity. As Jesus had said, every strata of society will be shaken. And we, believers, will also be shaken.

However, there is one way we can insure ourselves from fear and apprehension. That is: to build our foundation in Christ. Make it firm and solid. He is our sure foundation and hope. Take the words of Colossians 2:6-7 seriously. Paul said, "Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude."

In summary:
Be sure Christ Jesus is in our life.
Be diligent in our walk with Him.
Be firmly rooted in Him.
Be built up in Him.
Be established in the faith.
Be abounding in gratitude and thanksgiving.

Come, Lord Jesus, come!

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