Sunday 20 December 2015

Matthew 22:23-33 - Concerning the resurrection

The Sadducees belonged to another political group of people in Judaism in Jesus’ day. These people did not believe in the resurrection and would often tell stories that would make the teaching of the resurrection look ridiculous. The resurrection is a ground breaking doctrine and the Sadducees, as the people in power, sought to rubbish this teaching. They knew they would encounter difficulties because most people accepted the teaching of the Pharisees concerning the resurrection.

In these verses, we are told that some Sadducees came to Jesus with a question concerning the resurrection. They concocted a silly story about a woman who was eventually the wife of seven brothers. She was first married to the eldest of the seven brothers but he died without a child. In their story every of his brother took turn to marry her, but died without leaving an heir. What they wanted to know was whose wife would she be at the resurrection? This is an impossible presupposition to debunk the teaching of the resurrection. We need to know that according to what’s taught in Deuteronomy 25:5, a brother must take up the responsibility of marrying his brother’s widow. And the children of this marriage will be the heir of the dead brother. This law was a provision of God given to His people long before Christ came. It was to ensure the continuity of the family line and tribal identity among His people.

So Jesus’ answer to them gave them several reasons to support the teaching of the resurrection. First, He revealed that the law given by Moses to propagate tribal identity and family name would no longer apply to the people of God at the coming of Christ. For He has brought a renewal to His people, who would no longer be marked by family line or tribal identity but by the order of the new creation. An order brought through the Gospel. Hence the story had no merit.  

Secondly, we also need to know that at the resurrection, God’s people would be raised to a new order of life where death would no longer be a part of living. Remember, this is about the resurrection not reincarnation. If death would still be a part of the new order, resurrection would simply degenerate into reincarnation. In the new order there will be no necessity to multiply the species, hence there will be no sexual activity. Much like the angels, God’s people will be living in a non-sexual world.  

Thirdly, Jesus implied that the Sadducees did not fully engage with the teaching and meaning of the Bible. It showed that they were not aware how great and powerful the Creator God is. Although the Sadducees claimed to have the teaching of Moses (the first five books of the Bible) as their foundation, they had missed the whole point. The God of Israel was and still is the Creator of the world. In His magnanimity, He allows Himself to be described as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, even though these three had died long ago. And He is still holding them in life and one day, together with all people past, present and future, they will be resurrected to a new order to enjoy the new world God will make.   
Jesus’ teaching brought great astonishment to the people who were listening to Him. What about us? We trust that the experience of the resurrection is God’s promise to us. Understanding and anticipating it gives us the impetus and eagerness to serve and work for Him today. Let’s allow the justice, peace and power of His new life in us to take effect in today’s world.

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