Tuesday 8 December 2015

Matthew 19:23-30 – Place our trust in God and not in our riches

The rich young man’s encounter with Jesus raised the issue of wealth. When told to give up everything and follow Christ, he went away sorrowful because he had great wealth. Jesus then told His disciples that a person with great wealth will find it difficult to submit to the sovereign reign of Christ in his life. Truly if a person’s focus in life is wealth and money, he is more likely to trust his wealth and riches rather than God. Hence Jesus said, “…it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” Again this is a hyperbole. For a rich man to be saved it’s like trying to push a camel through the eye of a needle.
The disciples caught it. They exclaimed, “Who then can be saved?” But then Jesus quickly added, but with God all things are possible. His point is this: The eternal life cannot be attained through one’s wealth but only through God’s means of grace. Eternal life can only be attained when one begins to trust and depend on the grace and magnanimity of God. It can never be bought. It is only when we have reached the end of our hoarded resources and our human calculation, and lean on God, that’s when the prospect of a life with God begins.
Peter caught what Jesus’ meant and reminded Him, saying, “We have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us?” Jesus then made promises of an incredible future for all who follow Him. He said that they will be given roles in the restorative plans of God. They will be ruling when the Kingdom is restored. Those who has sacrificed and given up everything will not only be delivered from death, but will be ruling with Jesus Himself in the new world. In heaven the scale of priorities will be different. Salvation is only attainable through trust and obedience and not attainable through one’s work or wealth.
We need once again to recalibrate our thinking about riches and position. In God’s scheme of things, focusing on wealth and position are hindrances to the plan God has for our lives. Let us not put our priority on the wrong thing! Let us place our trust and dependence on God who is waiting to enrich with His presence!    




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