Sunday 4 October 2015

Matthew 7:13-23 – Make the right choice, be discerning

In these verses, we see Jesus winding down on the Sermon of the Mount with a series of warnings. He begins with the call to be careful which gate one walks through. Here we are introduced to two gates, one wide and the other small. The wide gate leads to a broad road where many can travel, all at the same time. Here the crowd determines the flow and dictates the direction, and it leads to destruction. The second gate is small and it leads to a narrow road. It only allows people to pass through by turn and in a single file. But it leads to life. There are two gates and two roads, we must choose the gate we want to go through and the road we want to travel on. The choice we make in life will make the difference. Making the decision to follow Jesus and getting to know the Father is most crucial in life. Here, between the two gates and the journey to choose, the choice is clear.

The second warning is against false prophets. They claim to be speaking the word of the Lord but are not. Their words are calculated at deceiving believers and lead them down the road to disaster. The problem with them is that they are dressed like real spokesmen of God and would behave seemingly well and trustworthy. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing. In verse 16, Jesus gives us the key to identify them. He tells us to think of all who claim to be God’s spokesmen as trees. We should look at the fruit they produce. Are they producing healthy fruits that cause spiritual growth or do they bring about duplicities, guiles, corruption and self-indulgence? The kind of fruit they produce, would help us to determine their genuineness or their falsehood.

The third warning is a call to be discerning.  While examining the fruit of a ministry don’t be impressed by the sensational but look for those that do the will of God.  For not everyone who claimed to be from God is genuinely. Even those who in His name prophesy, cast out demons and perform miracles. Ministries that originates from God will only do the Father’s will. Ultimately all ministries and spokesmen will be judged by the Lord. Only those who seek to please God by doing what He has prescribed, who will be eternally rewarded.

Two lessons for us in these verses. Firstly, because we have made the choice to follow Jesus, we must now like Him walk the straight and narrow road. We can be assured that He will lead us into a life that will bring honor to God.  Secondly, we must learn to discern who we are listening to. Don’t be hook-winked by eloquence, but teach principles that build a life of lies, deceit, greed and even immorality. Examine the conduct of a teacher before you decide to follow their teachings, see their character and what see what their teaching would result in. While we are evaluating a ministry or a spokesman of God, don’t be overtaken by the sensational. The best test is whether they are serving the purpose of God in what they do are 

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