Sunday 25 October 2015

Matthew 11:25-30 – The invitation to journey and serve with Jesus

In verse 25, Jesus began by offering a prayer to the Father, the One who controls both the heaven and the earth. Jesus had demonstrated unusual power as He introduced people into the Kingdom. He had remarkably healed the sick, raised the dead and delivered those troubled by demons. All these should have opened the eyes of the people to recognize Who He is. Yet the remarkable truth about Him has been hidden from the wise and the intelligent. But the infants, referring to the unlearned, the sinners and the people who were sneered and despised by society, to them the Father was pleased to reveal the Kingdom.

The Father had handed all things to Jesus, His begotten Son. The intimate relationship reveals that He and the Father have an exceptional relationship. No one knows the uniqueness of Jesus the Son except the Father. Similarly, no one knows the Father except Jesus the Son. We who come to see and realize who the Father is, are the ones Christ has chosen to reveal Him to us. We must see how privileged we are that He should invite us in, for the true God can only be known through Him.

The yoke is the instrument that is used to enjoin two oxen together for the purpose of ploughing the field. The Pharisees had demanded the people to carry the heavy yoke of the law. Jesus came to offer a way to lighten the yoke of the commandments. He came offering His mercy and love. This ability to help us lighten the yoke, came from within Him, His character and gentleness. When we follow Him we will find rest for our souls in His promises. Unlike the demand of religious leaders that would breathe down one’s neck like a supervising authority, Jesus came to offer the mercy of God to everyone who come to the Father through Him.  Through Jesus we will find obeying the demands of God not burdensome and the yoke light.

Thank God that Jesus enables us to love God and serve Him without the guilt of not being able to meet the demands of the law. Through Him we find mercy and grace for the journey. Let us learn to come to Him every moment in life, and through Him find strength, as we deepen our relationship with Him!    

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