Saturday 26 April 2014

2 Corinthians 9:1-5 – Sustained enthusiasm.

Paul turned his attention to talk about the purpose of the visit of the three messengers he referred to in 2 Corinthians 8:16-24. When Paul first solicited help from the churches for the need of Jerusalem, the Corinthians began to give enthusiastically. So Paul highlighted the enthusiasm of the Corinthians and praised them to the Macedonians. His purpose was to challenge the Macedonians to do what the Corinthians had done. Unfortunately, the Corinthians let him down and did not sustain their giving. Meanwhile, the Macedonians had gone on and out did the Corinthians in their giving. Paul then told them in verse 4, that should some of the Macedonians were to come with Paul to visit Corinth, both the Corinthians and himself would be embarrassed. So in order to prevent this from happening, Paul had sent the three brethren ahead to ensure that the Corinthians would not let him and themselves down before the Macedonians. They were there to ensure that the Corinthians’ contribution would be both ready and worthy offerings. The word gift used in verse 5 is the same word translated as blessing. Paul saw the gift as a blessing not just in words, but money given tangibly to bless the church in Jerusalem.

From these five verses, we learn about the necessity to have a sustained enthusiasm in promises made. To promise something and not fulfill it would discredit a person and caused one to be labelled as untrustworthy.  It is needful therefore to ensure that we carry out what we have promised and show integrity. This reinforces what Jesus said in the Gospel, to let our yes be a yes and no be a no. So let us make sure we are trustworthy people, demonstrating our integrity.    

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