Thursday 17 April 2014

2 Corinthians 6:11-13 - A plea for reiprocal love

These verses tell us that Paul and the Corinthians seemed to have a breach in their relationship. They have had a thoughtless appraisal of the apostle as indicated in verses 8-10. He told them that he had been frank and had spoken to them freely. In speaking to them, he had not hidden anything from them nor did he speak in riddles and hint to them. He had been honest and open with them. Not only did he speak frankly with them, but his heart was also opened wide toward them. The heart indicates his love and feeling toward the church.

Verse 12 pick up what he meant by his opened heart. Paul knew within himself, the extent of his love and affection toward them. The Corinthians, on their parts, were restrained in their affection towards Paul, whereas the apostle on his side did not hold back his love and affection toward them. He expected them to reciprocate his love toward them. So in verse 13, he pleaded with them, as a father to his children, to show him the same concern and love.

How have the Corinthians not shown affection toward Paul? By not recognizing the legitimacy of his ministry, and how the death and resurrection of Christ had actually shaped his thoughts and ministry. And also by being influenced by the peddlers and strayed from the truth he had presented to them. The best way to demonstrate their affection toward Paul was to live a separated life and be reconciled to God and the apostle.

Here’s a lesson on loyalty. While we need to remain loyal to God, we also show loyalty to His servants who had diligently and faithfully fed and guided us. Servants of God need to know that their ministries are appreciated by the people they love, and whom they have spent their lives building. Let’s be true to God but also the leaders he has sent to teach and guide us.      



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