Thursday 3 April 2014

2 Corinthians 3:1-6 - Paul's confidence in ministry

In Chapter 3 Paul would contrast his ministry with that of Moses. He would also show the difference between the Old and the New Covenant. In verses 1-3 he showed that as a minister he was transparent before them. In the days of Paul, travelers would often carry with them commendation letters from friends to have access to people or to gain an audience. Paul himself had written commendations for his co-workers e.g. Phoebe in Romans 16:1, Timothy in 1 Corinthians 16:10 and John Mark in Colossians 4:10. Those trouble makers in Corinth came trying to gain access on the basis of commendation letters. Paul didn’t tell us who these people were. However, he saw no need of such a letter of commendation for himself when it comes to the Corinthians. Why? It’s because of his care for them. Everyone could see his concern for them. Hence, the believers in Corinth were his letters of commendation. And unlike his opponent’s commendation letter, his was not written in ink on paper but the Holy Spirit on the human hearts.  

In verses 5-6 Paul went on to answer something he mentioned earlier to show his competence. In 2 Corinthians 2:16, he raised the question “Who is adequate for these things?”  He was asking who would be competent for such a task of being God’s spokesman. Paul boldly affirmed that he was. And it’s because of the work of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of the Corinthians who were his commendation letters. He offered the Corinthians as his letters of commendation. For by looking at the Corinthians, people would be able to see Paul’s competence. Paul wasn’t highlighting his own ability for he was conscious of his own weakness. But his confidence came from the fact that he was in Christ. He had no need of human recognition or their opinions to enhance his ministry, for everything he needed was found in Christ. He maintained that his success as well as his competence came from God, Who had made him a minister of the New Covenant. Unlike the Old covenant this new one gives life. The Old Covenant while offering life brought death. The implication of verse 6 is this: true life comes from the Spirit and not in following a written code of law. It’s a known fact that no one had been able to keep the written code perfectly.

Two things are clear as we read these 6 verses. Paul was transparent with the people. His concern for them was palpable. Secondly, Paul was competent for the task. It’s because he relied on Christ who provided the strength through the Holy Spirit. As people who seek to be victorious in life consistently, let’s be transparent in our conduct. Let’s also find our competence as we trust Christ to provide the strength through the Holy Spirit.    

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