Wednesday 9 April 2014

2 Corinthians 4:16-18 – The permanence of eternal nature

 Just as he had started in the beginning of this chapter, Paul maintained that believers should not lose heart. It’s because our faith in Christ Jesus would guarantee our resurrection to be with Him. In verse 16, Paul talked about the outer man. What is the outer man? Was Paul referring to the physical body? No, he wasn’t.  Paul was referring to this present life. He was telling us that this present life is transient and subjected to the wear and tear of living. There is no way of controlling the natural deterioration. It will succumb to trials and all kinds of sufferings. Therefore, Paul admonishes us not to focus on this transient life. In the same verse he also referred to the inner man. What is this inner man? It is the new nature that God gave to us when we come into relationship with Christ. This nature is not perfect or complete yet, but it is being renewed progressively every day. Hence our perspective of life should change. Instead of focusing on the outer man, Paul is saying focus on the inner man. Furthermore in verse 17 he tells us that the troubles we are facing are temporary and cannot be compared to the glory that we, as believers will receive from God. While the troubles are temporary, God’s glory on the other hand is permanent. And will outweigh the troubles.

What kept Paul going and gave him the confidence was his focus on the unseen things. He refused to focus on the things that could be seen. For things that could be seen are transient. Conversely things that could not be seen are eternal. Paul did not expect what could be seen to last for long. That’s why his focus was on the unseen things.

We believers have the resurrection to look forward to. Till then, like Paul, we concentrate and cultivate our new nature created in Christ Jesus. When we do so, we undergo a daily renewing experience and see our Christian life taking shape according to God’s eternal design.

In the light of these verses, we should live one day at a time. We should be mindful that Christian life is not trouble free, but Christ will supply the inner strength to help us live through those difficulties. Let’s develop a perspective that will help us to differentiate between the temporal and the eternal. Most of all, let’s give top priority to Jesus, seeking to know Him and to be known by Him.


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