Thursday 6 January 2022

Deuteronomy 33:20-21 – Trust in God and be available to help others

In Moses’ blessing of the tribe of Gad in Deuteronomy 33:20-21, he pictured the tribe as a lion. Three things were said of Gad in this blessing. Firstly, that their territory would be enlarged. Moses began first by praising God as the one who would enlarge the territory of the tribe of Gad. Secondly, Moses pronounced that God would endow them with lion-like qualities to defend the asset granted to them. With the prowess given them, Gad would have the strength to disarm the enemy and wrestle “the crown of the head”.

Thirdly and finally, Gad would possess the quality of unselfish leadership and collaboration. When they had taken their possession, they would even help the other tribes to secure theirs. They would fight and execute justice of the LORD to advance God’s cause. This was probably a reference to what took place in Numbers 32 where the tribes of Gad, together with Reuben, requested to settle in the land east of Jordan. In Numbers 32:17, they promised Moses that they would send their men to fight alongside their brethren from the other tribes and help them to secure their possessions. They promised that their men would arm and go before the children of Israel until they have brought them into their inheritance.       

From these two verses, we learned that God is the one who will enlarge His people’s territory. He will enlarge ours too when we trust Him. He is the source of our lives. All that we have and can ever have, come from God. Yes, even our natural talents and the skills, He will help us to develop. So we must be thankful to Him and use His given resources to advance in godliness. Then like Gad, we seek to be confident, assertive, and collaborate with fellow believers. We must avail ourselves to help each other. Don’t be afraid to courageously collaborate with others to help them inherit their blessings too. It is a privilege and joy to help others grow in the Lord!

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