Saturday 19 June 2021

Numbers 22:1-6 – Acting out of fear.

Interestingly, Numbers 22 throws up a few groups of people that were all linked in some way in history and relationships. Firstly, there were the Amorites. Where did they hail from? From Genesis 10:15-16, we are told the origin of the Amorites. They were the descendants of  Canaan, the son of Ham, Noah’s renegade son. Secondly, there was Balak, the king of Moab. Genesis 19:37 tells us that Moab, a son of Lot, was born from his incestuous relationship with his eldest daughter when he was drunk. Lot, as we know, was the nephew of Abraham. Thirdly, there was Midian. Who was Midian? He was the son of Abraham. Genesis 25:1-2 reveal that after Sarah’s death, he married Keturah, who gave him six sons, and Midian was one of them. Fourthly, we have Balaam who was a wicked prophet. How do we know that? In 2 Peter 2:15-16, the apostle alluded to him as a wicked prophet who sold out his ministry for personal gain.   

Numbers 22:1 tells us that the children of Israel were now camped in the plains of Moab facing Jericho across the river Jordan. Balak the king of Moab saw what they did to the Amorites and was in great fear of them. Notice how the people of Israel had grown to a sizable number. Verse 2 used the word “numerous” to describe the number of  Israelites. This fact plus what they had done to the Amorites caused Balak to dread them. He voiced his concern to the elders of Midian saying, “Now this horde will lick up all that is around us, as the ox licks up the grass of the field.” So Balak, aware of the accuracy of Balaam, resorted to getting him to curse the people of Israel for him. He was hoping that with the curse, the Israelites would not be as successful as him. He was probably hoping to lick Israel in the battle.  

What Balak did not know was that Israel was curse-proofed! Remember the promise God made to Abraham in Genesis 12:1-2. He said to the patriarch:

“And I will make you a great nation,
And I will bless you,
And make your name great;
And so you shall be a blessing;
And I will bless those who bless you,
And the one who curses you I will curse.
And in you, all the families of the earth will be blessed.”

Would Balak have acted the way he did if He knew that God was behind Israel’s success? Apparently not. So when he set himself up against Israel, he was setting himself up against the Lord. He allowed his fear to get him moving in the wrong direction. It is said that fear is False Education Appearing Real. It causes one to view situations from a distorted perspective. And it causes one to panic and act rashly and illogically. The right kind of fear in life is to fear the Lord. If we are to be victorious in our walk, we need to have reverential fear for God. For the fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom!

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