Friday 11 June 2021

Numbers 20:6-8 – The is no better solution than to pray.

The finger-pointing of the children of Israel was not exactly new. It had happened before and all too often. We have seen them riling and accusing Moses and Aaron for the slightest of discomfort for so many times leading to this point. Even though their experience was a consequence of their own bad choice for not trusting God, they never recognize that fact. In their own eyes, they simply could do no wrong.

Now, here in their wilderness wandering, they arrived at a similar situation as they had at Rephidim. They could find no water. Immediately their grumbling propensity went careening out of control. They blamed Moses and Aaron for their predicament. The accusation was that they had led them into the wilderness to die of thirst. How ridiculous could they be? This is quite typical of people who have the spirit of entitlement. This is not how we should behave. We should instead learn to be grateful and give thanks for everything and in everything.   

In this passage before us, we once again see how Moses and Aaron responded. They had often prayed and interceded in similar circumstances. So verse 6 reads, “Then Moses and Aaron came in from the presence of the assembly to the entrance of the tent of meeting and fell on their faces.” In other words, they separated themselves from the problem and went before the Lord. This is something all of us, especially those of us in leadership, should emulate. There is no better person to turn to for help in any crisis. It is true that God is our refuge and our strength, our present help in times of trouble. This fact should drive us to turn to Him no matter how bleak our situation may seem.

God is who we need and who we must have with us in life’s journey. He alone has the remedy for every situation we will ever encounter. God is never stuck in a situation where He does not have a solution. Remember our God is all-knowing and all-powerful! In the situation encountered by Moses and Aaron, God said to Moses, “Take the staff; and you and your brother Aaron assemble the congregation and speak to the rock before their eyes, that it shall yield its water. So you shall bring water for them out of the rock, and have the congregation and their livestock drink.” He provided them with the solution. It is true that God will make a way where there seems to be no way.

The whole world today is stuck in a predicament. What is our response? We can either take our position before God and be intercessors for a world in trouble or we can join and sing a two-part harmony with the grumblers and complainers. No doubt the worldwide situation is serious and is getting worse. Like Moses and Aaron, we must separate ourselves from the common assembly and take up our praying mantle and pray for the world.  And as we pray be receptive to the solution that God will graciously provide. So we pray, “Our Father, do not lead us into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the Kingdom, the power and the glory forever, Amen!”

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