Monday 8 February 2021

Isaiah 51:4-8 – Hold fast to the certainty of God’s salvation

Bear in mind that the people of God in exile would feel despondent. From Isaiah 50:10-11, we saw how God admonished them to trust Him and urged them to be patient even though what they would experience might seem bleak and prolonged. Then in Isaiah 51:1-3, He directed the remnants who would pursue righteousness and seek Him to consider their origin. They should consider how from one person Abraham, and Sarah his barren wife, God managed to raise Israel as a nation. And if He could do that miraculous wonder, He certainly could restore their ruin and restore their nation into a place like Eden and make it like a well-watered garden.

In Isaiah 51:4-8 God had two more things to encourage the despondent people. In verses 4-5, He first urged the people to be attentive to what He would do next and listen to the message that He would be sending forth. This message would bring justice as light, promising righteousness and salvation. More than just a message of deliverance to His people in captivity, God was promising salvation for all people in the world. This, we surmise, is alluding to the Good News of Salvation that Christ eventually brought. We know that He came from God, bringing justice, light, righteousness, and salvation. All along God has a great heart for His creatures. His plan is larger than just the nation of Israel. He desires the world to experience His salvation as well. Hence in John 3:16 we are told that “God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son so that whosoever believes in Him shall have everlasting life.” What a loving and generous God!

Closing His encouragement to His despondent people in exile in verses 6-8, God then told them to remain steadfast even though they were experiencing trying times. The circumstances they were subjected to might seem fixed and indissoluble like the sky and earth, yet they would be like an old garment that would wear thin and be like a moth-destroyed garment. While all inhabitants of the earth were subjected to death, God’s promise of salvation was sure and certain and would endure forever. Unlike moth-eaten garment or wool, nothing could destroy the salvation and righteousness  God offered. Hence those who trust Him should not fear nor feel intimidated by their circumstances. They should remain bold and stoutly holding fast to the message they had embraced, for God’s promised salvation and righteousness would never fail. What a glorious promise! We must hold fast, trust Him, and experience His sure salvation. Praise the Lord!   

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