Saturday 20 February 2021

Isaiah 54:4-10 - Stay confident in God!

 In Psalm 103:8-11, we are reminded of God’s graciousness. The Psalmist said:-

The Lord is compassionate and gracious,
Slow to anger and abounding in mercy.
He will not always contend with us,
Nor will He keep His anger forever.
He has not dealt with us according to our sins,
Nor rewarded us according to our guilty deeds.
For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
So great is His mercy toward those who fear Him.

Similarly, these truths are evidently clear as we read Isaiah 54:4-10. Judah, as we have learned, had disappointed Him time and again. Despite their waywardness in so many ways, God still chose not to leave them in their destitute state. His enduring love for them would not allow them to remain unfaithful to Him. So He dealt with them to align their relationship with Him. God allowed calamities upon calamities to come upon them to straighten them. He did it because of His desire to bring them to the end of themselves, to realize how bankrupt they were without Him. Then to bring them back into a renewed relationship with Him.    

Here in these verses, we see God calling the people of Judah to return to their confidence in Him. He promised that the sufferings they had experienced would be removed from them. The shame of their youth and the disgrace of their captivity would be erased. They were separated from Him for a season like a wife estranged from her husband. In comparison with His patience and compassion toward them, the sufferings they had experienced would be considered short. His great compassion for them would not leave them in their desperate condition. He chose to deal with their waywardness and draw them back to Himself. In God’s graciousness, He would restore Judah’s relationship with Him again. This restored union with Him would have great ramifications. The impact would be like the Noahic covenant where God had promised never to destroy His people again. Just as the covenant with Noah was irrevocable, God’s covenant with His people would also be irrevocable too. God was assuring Judah and her people of His everlasting love for them.

Like Judah, no matter how hard our circumstances may be, no matter how spiritually barren we may feel, God is there waiting for us. We will also soon realize that the trials we have experienced are considerably shorter in comparison with God’s patience and compassion for us. He only allows us to experience trials to bring us to the end of ourselves. The sooner we realize how incapable we are to deal with them without Him, the sooner we will be driven to seek Him again. No matter how far we have strayed from Him, He wants us to return in repentance to Him confidently! So don’t delay!

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