Monday 25 January 2021

Isaiah 47:8-11 – Don’t be self-deluded

The whole of Isaiah chapter 47 focuses on the prediction of the demise of Babylon. Using the feminine gender God sarcastically talked about how as a nation they would be humiliated. In verses 8-11, God continued to foretell their demise. Here He saw them as a city full of widows devoid of children. Calling them luxuriant ones, implying that they were once full of life proudly boasting that they could not be compared. Securely they would declare that they would have no lack of children to care for them. How audacious!  

Unknowingly, two things would happen to them suddenly all in one day. They would not only lose their husbands but would also lose their children. Calamities that would come upon them would be devastating. Nothing could help them, not even their witchcrafts they had depended upon could prevent it. They had boasted that no one could see what they were doing but how wrong they were. There was a guarantee that the impending calamities and devastation would come. And they would come in a way they least expect to happen and a measure that they could not prevent.


The lesson we can take away from here is not to be self-deluded. That was what the Babylonians were. They saw in themselves a capability more than they had. They were so falsely mistaken in their self-security that they were not able to see how flawed they were. In a day everything they had was reduced to nothing. For us who trust the Lord let us not be self-deceived. Allow a passage of Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 10:12-13 to guide us as we walk with God. He said, “…let the one who thinks he stands to watch out that he does not fall. No temptation has overtaken you except something common to mankind; and God is faithful, so He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it. Trust only our faithful God!

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