Thursday 21 January 2021

Isaiah 45:22-25 – Let us evangelize!

In Isaiah 45, we have seen largely how God had taken the effort to prove Himself to be the only true God. In many ways, He had shown Himself to be the faithful God to His people. Despite their unbelief, yet He commiserated and patiently reasoned with them. In these last four verses of Isaiah 45, God showed all along that He had the outreach of the world in HIs plan. He had evangelism in mind.  

So we see here His yearning for the salvation of all mankind. His assurance was to save everyone, all who would turn to Him. So in verse 22, He issues an invitation to all people on earth to turn to Him, emphasizing that He Himself is the only God who can save. In verse 23 He swore that His promises would achieve His righteous deed, and not return to Him unaccomplished. This tells us how broad God’s heart is. In Christ, He activated the plan to save every person. He wants everyone to be saved. This was affirmed by the Apostle Peter who in his second letter to the early Christians wrote: “The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not willing for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance ” (2 Peter 3:9). God in His patience and love has been waiting for all to turn to Him to be saved. His trustworthy word promising to save has already been sent out. And He will not allow the word He sent forth to return to Him empty without accomplishing His intended purpose.  

In the later part of verse 23, we are told that God even anticipated a time when all mankind would submit to His authority. This is what the Apostle Paul also said of Christ Jesus in Philippians 2:9-10. He said that He would be highly exalted, for God had been given Him a name that is higher than any other name. And that at His name, every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess that He is Lord to the glory of God, the Father. There is going to come a time when every knee shall bow to God. There will be a realization that only in the Lord is righteousness and strength. And many will turn to Him, even those who had bitterly opposed Him. Even Israel’s future generation will be justified and boast in Yahweh.

Since God’s plan is so wide in scope and includes the salvation of every man, we must collaborate with Him. He tells us that the harvest is already ripe for harvesting but laborers are few. As His redemptive agents, can we hear His call saying, “Go into all the world and make disciples of every nation”?  If you have, let us go forth and do it! We must not disappoint Him!

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