Monday 18 January 2021

Isaiah 45:9-10 – Never test the Lord’s intention

God had already made clear His plan to liberate His people from their Babylonian oppression. He had declared in no uncertain term that He would raise up Cyrus, a Persian king, to execute His plan. When Isaiah prophesied about God’s plan, Cyrus was not even on the scene, and Persia as a world kingdom was nowhere in sight. Only God could give such information with such amazing accuracy. There was and never would be anyone like Him. Who would have the power and authority that could equal His? He had proved His deity beyond doubt. Any question about His ability should have been erased. His people we surmised would willingly submit to His Lordship. Yet there were still those among His people that would question His plan.

Hence in Isaiah 45:9-10, God rebuked such people for their audacity to question His decision of using Cyrus. How dare they question God? How could a piece of what He had made question His rights to do as He pleased? After all who could challenge the wisdom of God, the Maker and Master Architect of their future? God sternly told them that they were overstepping their bounds and their absurdity. How dare they question His plan when they were only like clay in the hand of the potter. How could they question His wisdom and skill? In saying that “He has no hands” suggests that these people were insinuating that God had no wisdom or skill. They were like foolish children questioning the ability of their fathers. Or like mindless children who question their mother concerning the purpose of giving birth to them. What audacity! What rudeness!  

We should never strife or remonstrate with God concerning His plan for us and our lives. The call of these two verses is for us to willingly admit and submit to the wisdom of God and His Lordship. Do not test the capability of the Lord. Do not test His endurance and wear out His patience. He is our Lord and has the prerogative to do as He wills. We should never question His intention regardless of our circumstances, be they congenial or not so congenial. When we are blessed, praise Him. When we are struggling, trust Him. He is more than able to see us through. He will, and we can depend on Him!


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