Thursday 26 November 2020

Isaiah 30:23-26 – Love and discipline are inseparable

God in Isaiah 3-:18 told Judah that instead of His continual displeasure He would be patient and compassionate to them. He then went on in verses 19-22 to tell them He would be their teacher, provide them with clear direction, and bring about an end to their sufferings. He assured them that they would be able to hear His voice behind them saying, “This is the way, walk in them.” Now in verses 23-26, He assured them of prosperity and healing of their afflictions. Their well being could be seen in the healing of the natural resources, their produce, and even their animals.

In verse 23 we see the promise of rain so that their crops could grow and produce, and their yield would be plentiful. Then their livestock would graze freely in the vast land and be well fed. God even promised that the natural landscape would be advantageous for them. There would be streams on every mountain. Using words like “slaughter” and “tower fall”, Isaiah wanted to show them that just as sure and intense was the enemy’s attack, so also would their victory be just as sure, as terrific, and as triumphant.

Verse 26 draws for us a picture of the wonderful effect of God’s grace. The intensity of the brilliance of the light was to show the marvel of God’s healing effect. While His discipline would leave many devastated, bruised and injured, the healing would help them experience His great love through the discipline.

Reflecting on these verses point us to Hebrews 12:10. It tells us that God disciplines us so that we may share His holiness. And also in Hebrews 12:11, He promises that “All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness.” God only has the best installed for us. He will do what it takes to bring us there, for we know that “Those whom God loves, He disciplines….”.

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