Monday 17 July 2017

Genesis 2:18-24 – Two God-ordained institutions: marriage and home

Genesis is all about beginnings. Needless to say, God is the source of everything. In Him all things find their beginning; all things except evil. The universe, the world, the earth, the sky, the sun, moon and stars, plants, creatures of sea, land and air, and ultimately man, find their beginning in God. The commandment the Creator God gave to the creatures – the fish, the birds, land animals and man is the same i.e. to be fruitful and multiply. This command would be not possible for the man without a woman. So in these verses, Genesis 2:18-24, we see God fashioning a woman for the first man. Amazingly, God made the woman from a rib of the man. Woman, in a sense, is an improved model from man. So in this passage we see the beginning of the first woman, the first marriage and the first family. We can safely conclude then that marriage and the home are two critical institutions ordained by God. They are to be highly honored.    

God understands His creation best. He created the fish, the birds and the animals and gave Adam, the first man, the privilege and honor to name them. Whatever name Adam gave to each animal it was called by that name. This tells us how resourceful he must have been. He must have had an amazing mind, quite like God’s, to be able to think of different names for different animals. But among the animals man couldn’t find a suitable companion in life and for life. It’s because man and animals were made biologically different. God was sure that it wouldn’t be good for the man to be alone without a helpmeet. No animal could fill that gap or satisfy his needs. So God intentionally made a woman, not only correspond him but also fit for him.  She was to be the man’s helper, to be his mate and not his maid.

Here in this passage we are introduced to the first surgery. God put man to sleep without general anaesthesia. And man had a long deep sleep, enough for God to do a reconstructive surgery. God took out one rib from the man’s side and then carefully closed up his fresh. With that one rib He took out, God fashioned a woman for him. And God brought her to him, and there we have the first marriage. Notice the woman was made from a bone from man’s side. This is not a co-incidence, nor was it a haphazard afterthought.  She was intentionally made from a bone from his side, to be tenderly loved and dearly cared for. She was made from the man’s bone and flesh, fashioned from man to be like man, only with a slight modification. She was made with a tender nature, and more delicate and attractive. When she was brought to the man, he was overjoyed. Who can better meet the needs of his life but one taken from him and made to be with him?

Verse 24 defines for us a marriage and home. Here we see that it was God who had ordained both institutions. A marriage is first and foremost between a man and a woman, and that excludes same sex marriage. The man was no longer to be tied to the parents’ apron string but to set up a separate unit of their own. He must primarily stay with his wife and share and do life together. Cleaving speaks of complete oneness, commitment and partnership for life. A husband and his wife must seek to be one in spirit, soul and body to start and maintain a home together. The fact that they were both naked and unashamed has more than a sexual connotation. It speaks of transparency. The man and woman should live without hiding anything from each other. And there should be nothing in between them to be ashamed about. This principle of transparency in a martial relationship helps to build faith and trust. These are vital ingredients to faithfulness. For us husbands, we need to bear in mind that God had given our wives to be an integral part of us. And every husband and wife, must remember to do life together faithfully and committedly. Remember, a lasting marriage and a fulfilling home begins with Christ. On top of that, a great home has Christ at the centre of it all. Let us build a Christ-centred home for His glory! 

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