Saturday 8 July 2017

Genesis 1:1-5 – God, His Spirit and His Word

Genesis begins with the Immortal God. These first five verses show us the Godhead – Father, Son and Holy Spirit at work in creation. God, the Father is one of the three key components in creation. The other two are the Spirit and the Jesus the Spoken Word. We see this in collaboration with John’s Gospel. The apostle himself began in the very first verse of his Gospel saying, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Hence Jesus is God’s Spoken Word. In these three we have a clue to the truth of the Trinitarian God at work. God of course is the Father. The Holy Spirit that hovered over the dark formless mass needs no explanation. And Jesus the Son is depicted here as the Spoken Word. Here we see the key and vital Trinitarian components at work in creation. In their collaborated effort, the Trinitarian God created space and matter out of time. Heaven is the space, earth is the matter. And both are bought into time at a point in time and continue to be. “In the beginning” signifies time, “heaven’ signifies the space and “earth” signifies matter.
Not only did this God make matter and space and brought them into time, the Sovereign Creator also brought orderliness out of chaos and formlessness. Remember before the Godhead – God, the Father, His Spirit and Jesus the Word went into action, the earth was just a chaotic mass. It was without form and was empty. God initiated it, the Holy Spirt hovered over it and Jesus, the Spoken Word of God brought order and form on earth to pass. From this, we recognise the ability of our Trinitarian Almighty to bring orderliness and effectiveness into our listless life easily. He wants to do that for each of us so that we can have orderliness in daily living
How is our heart today? Is it in a state of flux, feeling chaotic and empty? The sure remedy is found in God the Father, the working of the Spirit in us and the sure Word of Christ Jesus. Draw near to God, allow the Spirit to hover over the emptiness, and find relevancy in the Word of Christ Jesus to appropriate today. Not only does God want to bring about orderliness in our life, He wants to bring light to clear our confusion. As He brought light on the first day of Creation, He wants to bring light to our present confusion. Light is good because it helps us to see through darkness. His Word will always bring the much needed light to deal with our darkness. With His light, we will be able to identify, determine and distinguish the areas of our life that are in a state of confusion. And then through His Spirit and His Word, the light we will be given to bring clarity and liberty.
Are we at the verge of giving up on the ministry or church? Together with our Trinitarian God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit, let His light be ushered into our life for a season of refreshing and effectiveness. Through His Spirit and the instruction of His Word, God will help us to separate and distinguish between what’s important and critical, and from the urgent but not important. Light always separates darkness. So do let the light of God spearhead the search so that we can distinguish between what is still unclear so that He may bring clarity, liberty and vitality to our life.
What we definitely need daily is God, His Spirit and the Word of Christ Jesus. Be sure to draw near, wait to be filled with His Spirit and seek to be instructed by His Word. Remember, being in God is an interactive relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Let’s do it!

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