Wednesday 28 September 2016

John 8:12-20 – Jesus is the answer to man’s darkness

Since chapter 6, John had been using images from the past experiences of the children of Israel in their wilderness wandering. First the manna in John 6, then the water from the rock in John 7, and now in John 8, the pillar of fire. In the celebration of the Tabernacle there were two great parts. One was the pouring of water from the golden vessel, to commemorate the provision of water for the children of Israel in the wilderness wondering. Now we see the other part of the celebration: the illumination of the temple. And John 8:20 tells us that the treasury was the place where Christ’s pronouncement took place.

In the treasury there were thirteen great trumpet-shaped treasure chests. There were narrow at the top and broad at the bottom. Each treasure chest was intended to receive the giving of the people for different purpose e.g. to upkeep the temple, to receive offering for different sacrifices, and some were even for whatever leftover the people had and still wanted to give to the Lord, etc. It was also here in the treasury that four great torches were set up. They would be lit. The light from these torches would remind the people of the great pillar of fire that guided the children in the wilderness wondering. It was here that the human traffic would be the heaviest, making it an appropriate place for Christ to make His proclamation. So here Jesus raised His voice above the heavy human traffic and made one of His seven “I Am” claims in John’s Gospel. “I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.” In this, Christ has made known one of the supreme realities of His existence. What a way to help people to focus their attention on this one truth they needed to know and understand!
In saying that “I am the light of the world…,” Jesus was identifying Himself with the Shekinah glory of God that the children of Israel experienced in the wilderness. Like the pillar of fire that guided the people in the wilderness, He is the light for us today in this world of darkness. The promise here is this: if we walk with Him as our guide, we won’t be floundering in darkness like the rest of the people in the world. We will have a definite guide in every situation of life. How we need this light in this dark world!
He further elaborates in verse 12, saying that “…he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.” Like the pillar of fire for the children of Israel, Christ is the pillar of fire for us believers today. No matter how dark the world may be, we can experience His light illuminating the path in our journey. Not only will this light of life be there to guide us, He will also be in us. To help us shine for Him everywhere we go, and to help others in their journey of life as well. What an honor! Ephesians 5:18 tells us that “Once we were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.”
Unfortunately, there were among Jesus’ audience, some who did not think that His claim was that wonderful. The Pharisees in particular. So they challenged Jesus. They said to Him, “You are testifying about Yourself; Your testimony is not true.” They got technical and went into the Jewish judiciary system which stated that every truth must be verified by two people. Hence they told Jesus that what He claimed to be could not stand, because He was claiming it for Himself. Jesus responded in verse 14 by revealing that there was yet another witness, God the Father Himself. Christ never acted alone. He had and has always acted in consort with the Father. The immediate reaction of the Pharisees was “Where is Your Father?” The answer is pure and simple, in Jesus Christ, God the Father is unfolded. If anyone wants to know God the Father, all he needs is to be connected to Christ. For in Him the fullness of the Godhead – Father, Son and Holy Spirit - dwell bodily. And we are complete in Him. From verse 20, we deduced that God has a definite moment for everything. Since it was not the moment for Christ to give His life yet, so no one came forward to seize Him. It tells us that when we are in the will of God, we can safely, securely and serenely go about the task He has assigned us.
Without the light of Christ we will walk in eternal darkness. John in his letters tell us the importance of continual walking in the Light. If we walk in the light as God is in the light, we will have fellowship with one another. And the blood of Jesus, His Son, will cleanse us from all sins. We walk in the light simply by looking upward, and walking continuously with him. As we do so, His light will flow in and through us to others. This continual engagement with Him will prepare us to participate in the glory at His coming. Yes, Jesus is the answer to man’s darkness!

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