Thursday 1 September 2016

John 4:10-15 – The soul satisfying water

The quest of human life, and the irrational engagement in some of the most absurd activities, reveals the state of the human heart. As St. Augustine so rightly put, “(Lord) Thou hast made us for thyself, and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in thee.” If there is one word to describe the human soul, it must be this word - thirsty. It so aptly describes the state of the heart of the Samaritan woman who was at the well. And Jesus knew real well. So He started the conversation by asking for a drink of water. Startled by a Jew who was willing to engage her in conversation, she asked, “How is it that you, being a Jew, ask me for a drink since I am a Samaritan woman?” Seizing the moment, Jesus went straight for the jugular. He addressed the need of her soul. He told her that if she only knew the gift of God, and who she was speaking to, she would have asked Him for a drink instead, and He would have given her living water. Jesus was pointing to what would bring lasting satisfaction. The water from Jacob’s well could quench her physical thirst, but could never quench her thirsty soul. 

The “gift of God” and “the living water” that Jesus was talking about in verse 10 is one and the same thing - the Holy Spirit. He is the soul quenching water of life. Jesus was indicating to her that what she needed was the soul quenching water that only the Holy Spirit could bring. Only God alone can give this living water, and here Jesus claimed that He is the giver of this gift and water. In other words, Jesus is saying that He is God.

In the conversation we can tell that the woman had interpreted Jesus words to be referring to the water from Jacob’s well. So her response to Him was understandable. She asked Jesus with what would He give her the water, when He didn’t even have an instrument to draw water from the well. Besides, the well was so deep. It was the well that Jacob had dug, a well that he himself and his children and cattle had drank from for generations. She then asked if Jesus considered Himself greater than Jacob. Jesus wisely redirected her to the real water she needed – the Holy Spirit. Here Jesus was talking about quenching her deep soul’s thirst. The water from the well could quench temporarily and she would feel thirsty again. But the water, the Holy Spirit, that Jesus alone can give, will quench one’s thirst again and again. This Holy Spirit will bring eternal life and become the source of man’s complete satisfaction.

The things of this world, no matter how satisfying, can only gratify for a moment. But an encounter with Jesus and the availability of His continual presence will bring lasting fulfillment to our life. Just as Jesus had offered to that woman, He is also offering us the eternal well of soul-quenching water. For us who have invited Jesus into our life, we already have the well within us. Are we drinking from that life-rejuvenating well daily and continually? It is foolhardy not to do so!  

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