Sunday 1 May 2016

Luke 8:1-3 – Jesus’ faithful followers

Jesus now went everywhere, going around the cities and villages, most likely around the Galilean region. As He went He would proclaim the Kingdom of God extensively.  The Twelve whom He had chosen and named apostles, were totally committed to Him. Ever since Christ had issued the invitation to follow Him, they had left their respective trades, possessions and even relationships to be with Him. In contrast to the many in the crowd, who would come and go, the Twelve stuck with Him everywhere He went. They were with Him all the time so that Jesus might eventually send them out. Effective ministry always begin by being with Jesus. There is nothing to offer when we have not been with Jesus. It behooves us who want to be effective in life and ministry to know that being with Jesus is imperative.
Luke here also tells of three staunch lady supporters who accompanied Jesus to provide the entourage with material needs. And as they ministered to the Lord, they themselves would benefit from participating in His ministry. They were faithful supporters, from whom Jesus had delivered and cured of evil spirits and diseases.  Luke’s Gospel gives women a prominent place. He portrays Jesus as a person who demonstrated great respect for women. In their culture women were often not treated as human but as properties. So this is something precious. These women came to Jesus with spiritual as well as physical needs, and the Lord Jesus touched them and healed them. And out of their deep gratitude they devotedly followed Jesus. The way they responded to Jesus leaves us with an example of what an appropriate response should be for all that Jesus had done for us.     

The three women specifically mentioned here were Mary Magdalene, from whom seven demons had been cast out; Joanna, the wife of the manager of Herod’s household; and Susanna. Mary had a colorful past. Joanna, being the wife of Chuza, a steward from Herod’s household, was a woman with means. Susanna was an unknown as she was not mentioned anywhere else in the Scripture. In Luke 24:10, we are told that Mary and Joanna were two women who went to the tomb to care for the body of Jesus after His death. That indicates to us that they were faithful followers of Christ to the very end.

Here, Luke also specifically said that there were many others who supported the ministry by giving financial support out of their own private means. Where hearts are opened, pockets will also be opened. Giving in support of Jesus’ ministry is certainly a clear indication of one’s gratitude. Besides, giving to the work of the Kingdom of God is certainly a ministry every believer can adopt. But we need to know that all giving should be willing and spontaneous. It must not be manipulated. We ought to be more discerning in situations where highly pressured methods are deployed to pry open one’s pocket. When a ministry keeps talking about finance, we should be able to raise the red flag. A ministry that is truly of God, will find that finance is the last thing to worry about. God certainly knows how to take care of His own.  However, all of us must know that we are called to be stewards of our God given resources – time, talents and treasures. So what are we doing with them?  Remember that finally we all will have to give an account of our stewardship. So let us be faithful and diligent in stewarding our life and resources.   

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