Thursday 19 May 2016

Luke 10:21-24 – Pure and delightful privilege

We have established in the previous verses that one reason for real joy is to know that our names are written in the Lamb‘s book of life. We also know that it’s not wrong to rejoice in the impact made by our ministry. But there’s one more thing that we can truly rejoice in our ministry. It is when those we have shared the message, recognize Jesus and acknowledge Him as Lord, and see Him for Who He really is. For when Jesus is seen for Who He is - there will be real joy. It would mean that the names of those who have responded to Him are written in heaven too. That's another real cause for joy.

Luke 10:21 tells us that Jesus rejoiced rapturously over the works of the 70. This joy was inspired by the Holy Spirit. Instantly, He offered praise to the Father and affirmed His wisdom in revealing the truth to the right people. To those proud, Christ-rejecting people, like the religious establishment of His day, the Gospel and its truths were concealed. To the people like the 70, referred to here as infants, the humble and dependent ones, the Gospel and all its truths were revealed. The crux is this: the wisdom of the world would blind people, make them proud and increase their resistance to the Gospel.  But to people who are not wise in their own eyes, like infants with all their needs and lacks, show their dependence, God would reveal Himself to them.

In verse 22, Jesus then turned to praise God for another matter. He praised God for making Him the source of revelation. Here He declared that He and the Father have a mutually intimate relationship since eternity past. This being so, who else would be more qualified to reveal the Father than Himself. We are not just talking about acquiring knowledge of the Father, We are talking about knowing the Father in experience. This is not something cognitive but something affective. The Father has made Jesus the sole dispenser of true revelation. No one will ever see or experience God unless the Lord opens their spiritual sight.

He then turned to His disciples in verses 23-24 and told them privately how blessed they were. Their eyes would soon behold His death and resurrection, the climax of all that the prophets and kings longed to see. They were sent only to prepare for this impending moment, but the disciples would be given the privilege to see and experience it. What a privilege!

We must rejoice in our salvation. It's a tremendous privilege to know and love Jesus. He has revealed the Heavenly Father to us through the Holy Spirit. We now have a relationship with the Heavenly Father. Like our Lord Jesus, we can have a perpetual fellowship with Him. We are thankful. This is pure delight!

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