Saturday 23 January 2016

Matthew 28: 16-20 – The Great Commission

Having heard from both the Mary’s as instructed by the Lord. The disciples proceeded to the mountain in Galilee that Jesus Had designated. Matthew used mountain quite a fair bit in his presentation. Here Jesus met the eleven disciples at a mountain in Galilee. Mountains are also referred to in connection with the temptation in Matthew 4:8. The Sermon of the mount in chapters 5–7 was given on a mountain. It was also a place of solitude for Jesus in Matthew 14:23 and it was also where he met the crowds in Matthew 15:29–30. We also see that He was transfigured on a mountain in Matthew 17:1.
On that mountain in Galilee, Jesus met the eleven disciples. When they saw Him, they worshiped Him. What’s disconcerting in this short passage is the phrase “…but some were doubtful.” It could mean that some of them were unsure if it was Him and hesitated. It could also be that being monotheistic, some of them wondered whether it was right for them to worship Him. However, we can never fully know who and for what reason they doubted.        
Matthew specifically said Jesus then came and drew near to them, and told them that He has all the authority in heaven and on earth. God has given all authority to Him. With that He gave them the Great Commission. They were tasked to do three things: make disciples, to baptize those who believe and to teach. The task they were called to do was not only in Israel but to all the nations of the earth. He then reiterated the promise that God made at the onset of His incarnation. He was named Emmanuel, meaning God with us. Now He promised to be with them even to the end of the ages. What a promise!

As we close our reflection in Matthew, bear in mind that the Great commission is not just given to those eleven on that mountain. It was a commission given to us who have believed what they had passed down. And the command is to go. As we go about our daily task, discipleship should be part and parcel of our journey. Let’s remember that Jesus the Sovereign Lord has all authority in heaven and on earth. He has commanded us to go with that authority and made disciples of all the nations.   

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