Wednesday 6 January 2016

Matthew 25: 31-46 – Christ’s perfect justice

Living in a world ruptured by injustice, one of human deepest longings is for justice to be done. No matter how fair anyone tries to be, none can be as perfectly fair as the Creator God. He is the only one Who can administer justice perfectly. And both Jews and Christians believe that God will ultimately show perfect justice on a worldwide scale, and He will put everything right. This is the last part of Jesus’ discussion as presented by Matthew. So here we will see the purpose of the coming of the Son of Man, that perfect justice will finally be done. Jesus, vindicated by His suffering, will now sit exalted as the judge. In these verses, we will see how He will execute His just rule.  
In verses 31-33, He compares himself to a shepherd who separates His sheep from goats. People may be classified in many different ways, but the important differences are those which God had set, and these Jesus will apply in the final judgement. Just like the world is divided between Jews and Gentiles, the whole world will be distinguished by two categories – sheep or goats.
His followers are those who served him, indicated by their life of devotion to Him. We must not see this as though people who do good things will go to heaven. We must rather see this as telling us that good deeds are an evidence of true discipleship and genuine faith. People who are saved will be evaluated by their compassionate action in life. Their works will reveal how much they love God and their neighbors. People who are Christ-centered will perform any work as doing it unto the Lord. The faith that relies on the finished work of Christ demonstrates itself through genuine fruits and practical results. Christ has prepared an inheritance for those who serve Him this way.
Conversely, those who live without any reference to God only proves their self-centeredness and self-interest. They would not show any deed of kindness, and would demonstrate a life devoid of love for God. They are the people who will ultimately be banished, and join the devil and his cohorts in eternal damnation. Jesus the King, the final Judge, will show true and perfect justice the world longs for.

The question is: are we sheep or goats? What we do to the less fortunate matters! They can reflect the heart of our Shepherd, Master and Lord or otherwise. Be careful what we do then, be as wise not as fools, and understand what the will of God is! 

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