Tuesday 11 August 2015

I Timothy 4:11-16 – Modeling Christian life

Timothy, we have discovered, was very young at this point in time. Here we could sense Paul calling on him to live out his salvation and set the example for all to emulate. The young Timothy probably had problems with some people because of his age. In 1 Timothy 4:11–16, Paul gave him some instructions on how to deal with his seeming setbacks so as to strengthen his ministry.

Paul began by telling him to insist and teach his hearers to adhere to his teachings. What were the things he was to insist on and to teach? He was very likely calling Timothy to pay attention to everything that was imparted to him. As indicated in verse 13, it is safe to say that Timothy was to give attention and devotion to the public reading of Scripture. He must also live out his salvation and to authoritatively teach God’s Word. He was to teach the believers to gladly receive and to live out what was taught.

Timothy was also expected to live a life of integrity. He was to devote himself to all the instructions Paul had given him. In so doing his progress would be seen and would leave no room for anyone to despise his youth. Instead he would be able to set an example to the believers. So here we see Paul delineating several areas for his consideration.

First on the list was his speech pattern. This was important. His words would attest to his character. It could possibly be that he was tempted to be abrasive with those who resisted his teaching. Paul now gently reminded him to act kindly and gently.  Secondly, Timothy was to be exemplary in conduct. He was to live the truth by example. What one is, will definitely speak louder than what he says. Thirdly, he was to live a life of love. He was to be a giver not just a taker. He was to put others before himself and show kindness. Fourthly, Timothy was to be an example in faith. It meant trusting God to fulfill all that He had promised. Faith demonstrated would inspire and model faith for others to follow. Finally, he was to be an example in moral purity. He was to handle his relationship with the opposite gender carefully and circumspectly.

Verse 16 suggests that salvation is not just a present experience. It embraces the past, the present, as well as the future. We all can recall that day when we invite Christ to be the Savior and Lord of our lives. But we must also know that we need to continue to live out that decision, day by day and moment by moment. And when Christ returns, an event scheduled for the future, we shall be saved not only from the penalty and power of sin, but also the presence of sin. Hence, we see Paul telling Timothy to continue to put what he had learned into practice. And to demonstrate it so that all could see his progress. In setting the example of paying close attention to the Word by practicing them, he would not only save himself, but also save all who were watching his life as well.

The key to be an effective example is devotion to the Lord and His Word. We should teach it, but more importantly, we must model it and live out the principles. This will inspire others to follow suit. So let’s do it for the glory of His name!   

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