Tuesday 18 August 2015

1 Timothy 6:11-16 – Cultivating godliness

Paul knew that no one has immunity to the propensity of man, not even Timothy. So here he gave him a series of personal charges. The four charges are four active verbs in the imperative: to flee, to pursue, to fight and to take hold.

Firstly, Timothy was commanded to flee all these things. What are the “things” that he had to flee? In the context, it seems like he was to flee from love for riches that would lead to departure from the faith and end in ruin and destruction. Secondly, he was strongly challenged to pursue after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance and gentleness. Thirdly, he was instructed to fight the good fight of faith. And finally, he was told to take hold of the eternal. The goal of the battle was to lay hold of eternal life.

Timothy’s ministry had to do with eternal issues and so he had to keep faith with God. Paul was reminding him of the pledge of faithfulness which he made before many witnesses during his ordination. Timothy was charged to be faithful to the truth entrusted to him, for the charge was given in the presence of the Omnipresent God, the Giver of all things and the faithful Lord Jesus Christ, Who demonstrated faithfulness before Pontius Pilate. Furthermore, Timothy was told to keep the commandment with vigor, not giving any reason or room for accusation to discredit the commandment. He must learn to live life in expectation of the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ that could take place anytime.

In verses 15-16, Paul rounded off in a doxology to praise the greatness of God. “He who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of Lords; who alone possesses immortality and dwells in unapproachable light; whom no man has seen or can see. To Him be honor and eternal dominion! Amen.” 

We can live a life pleasing to God by fleeing lust and inordinate passion for riches; by pursuing godliness, righteousness, faith love, perseverance and gentleness; by remaining steadfast and consistent in contending for the faith; and by steadily focusing and moving toward our goal and our hope of eternal life.  

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