Wednesday 15 April 2015

Hebrews 1:1-3 - The Magnificent Christ

In these opening verses, the author did not set out to prove God’s existence; he simply asserted the fact that God exists. Not only has God always existed and is still existing, but that He has spoken and is still speaking. Our God is a speaking God. Unlike idols carved out of stones, wood, bronze, porcelain or any material and cannot speak, our God can and does express Himself.

And He had spoken many times and in many ways through His prophets. But one fact that is clear is that His ultimate message to mankind is His Son. He is God’s final revelation to mankind. God has many prophets but He made it crystal clear that He has only one begotten Son. The prophets came to fill a time temporarily, but the Son came to stay forever. Every prophet who spoke could only point to the future, but all that the Son needed to do was to point to Himself. In Jesus Christ, God’s final revelation had arrived. As God’s ultimate message, Christ is supreme. The author then pointed to nine facets that show why Christ is supreme and magnificent. They are:

Firstly, He is God’s own Son. Jesus Christ is unlike all the prophets who spoke before Him. Each of them was but a man. But Christ Jesus is God’s very own Son. Secondly, He is the Heir of all things. Christ is the Heir of all people, all planets and the universe. As Creator He is the rightful Heir to everything. As Redeemer, Christ earns the right to inherit all of us. Thirdly, He is the Creator of the world. Here the author introduced Christ as the One who made the world. The word “world” is taken from the word that is translated “ages”. In other words, all the ages were created by Christ. He is the Creator of all space, time and the galaxies. Fourthly, He is the radiator of God’s glory. Jesus Christ radiates the brilliant glory of God. He is not the reflector but the radiator. Fifthly, He is the sustainer of all things. Christ sustains all things by His power. All things are held in place by His Word. Sixthly, He is the exact representation of God. Jesus Christ bears the very same stamp of God’s nature. In Him is found all that God is. Every attribute of God is inherent in Christ. We can only know God through Christ Jesus because He shows us Who God is. We cannot know God apart from Jesus Christ. Seventhly, He is the Redeemer and Purifier. Christ atoned for our sin by His precious Blood. He not only offered up a sacrifice, He offered up His life as a sacrifice for our sin to redeem and purify us. Hence, He is our Redeemer and Purifier. Eighthly, He is the Ruler of all things. As a Priest, Christ paid for our sin. But unlike the Old Testament Levitical priests who never had the privilege to sit down after a sacrifice, Christ sat down after making the offering. His one sacrifice is complete. There is no need for another sacrifice. Finally, He is sitting at the right hand of God, a place of absolute glory, power, and highest honor.

Man of sorrow! What a name, for the Son of God who came.
Ruined sinners to reclaim, Hallelujah! What a Savior!

When He comes, our glorious King, All His ransomed home to bring,
Then anew His song we’ll sing: Hallelujah! What a Savior!

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