Sunday 22 March 2015

1 Peter 4:12-14 – Trials is part of Christian experience

Remember that the Christians whom Peter was writing to were facing hostility. Here he wrote to them to instruct them on how to face it as a community. He began by emphasizing the role of suffering in God’s overall plan for the believers. His intention was again to encourage the believers to persist and maintain a proper attitude in God.

We cannot but to feel the eschatological orientation from the content. Peter reminded the believers that what they were experiencing was not something new and unexpected. Therefore, they should not be overtaken by surprise as if they were strange happenings. Sufferings such as insults, accusations, intimidation, humiliation, hurts and the whole array of them were not abnormal. They were part and parcel of the believer’s life.

Peter used two words “fiery ordeal” to describe their persecution. Since fire has always been seen as a refining tool, Peter’s choice of this word was deliberate. He wanted to help them see that what they were going through was part of God’s refining process in their lives. Just as the heat from the fire would intensify, they would feel more and more uncomfortable. However, these were all parts of God’s plan to make them more complete. Peter also wanted them to keep on rejoicing in their sufferings.

In verse 13, he told the believers that when they experienced those sufferings they were in reality sharing in the sufferings of Christ. As the Lord Himself experienced great suffering yet remained faithful to God’s will, believers ought also to emulate His endurance and fulfill God’s will. He assured them that they would ultimately be greatly rewarded with great joy. The use of the term “revelation” implies the appearing of Jesus Christ at His Second Coming. Peter wanted them to know that just as the Lord will be glorified, so also will the believers be glorified at the Lord’s appearance. Hence, they should have a rejoicing attitude and keep rejoicing in their sufferings.

In verse 14, he then urged believers to look at the brighter side of things in the face of the insults hurled at them. Here, he suggested that they were already blessed. Why did Peter suggest so? It is because the Holy Spirit Who is both the Spirit of glory and of God, dwelled within them. The indwelling Spirit in the believers indicated that they already had the first-fruit of their inheritance. Therefore, they had already received the blessing while on earth and not only when they reached eternity.

Remember that if we want a warm place in the sun, we have to expect some blisters. No matter how trying our circumstances may be, we must persist with the help of God and not give up. For in due time we will reap the peaceful fruit of righteousness.   

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