Thursday 8 January 2015

Ephesians 2:8-10 - The immeasurable grace of God

In talking about God raising Christ from death, and placing Him far above all rules and power, Paul wanted the believers to see the immeasurable power of God (Ephesians 1:19-21). Now as he talked about how God had raised believers from their spiritual death and seated them with Christ in the heavenly realm, he wanted them to be aware of the immeasurable grace of God.

This grace is immeasurable because from the depth of their helplessness and sinful condition, God set the believers free. The state of the fallen man was that he freely followed the course of the world, Satan, and the flesh, and was deeply ensnared by spiritual death. But the depth of the grace of God made believers alive in Christ and seated them in high places with Christ.

Paul used a perfect participle to show what grace had done. He wanted to demonstrate that the step of getting sinners saved was already a completed act. Paul’s point is clear. Grace alone saves and not grace plus human merit. Though we often say that salvation is by grace, yet at the same time we would behave as if we need to earn God’s favor. We think that God’s grace is given because we deserve it. However, Paul tells us here that salvation is by grace and grace alone. The fact is that man can never save himself by his own works. Otherwise, he will make it as a reason to boast.

When we understand that we do not deserve this grace, we begin to see our spiritual status with the right perspective. Knowing that by grace alone are we saved, keeps us humble and leaves no room for boasting, and the tendency of self-exaltation will be removed. We will not deceive ourselves and steal the glory from God.

Faith is the means which God uses to tell us we are His. We are saved by grace but through faith. What does it mean to be saved through faith? It simply means that faith is the channel through which we receive God’s grace. It is the means by which grace is given to us. Grace is like the reservoir and faith is the channel where the mercy flows to refresh us. Paul tells us here that God is the Source of both grace and faith. Both are gifts from God. In other words, our salvation is entirely given by God.

The word “workmanship” means a masterpiece, a special creation. Paul here is referring to God’s wonderful work of saving us from our sin and making us brand new people in Jesus Christ, His Son. Besides, the church as a community is God’s master piece. Each one of us is like a different piece of a jigsaw puzzle, fitted into the right place to give the complete and entire tapestry of God. Paul went on to show why God saves us. We are saved to do good works. While good works are not means of our salvation, they are the evidences. These good works, Paul said, were prepared beforehand for us to walk in them.

So far, Paul had contrasted two ways of living for us. One way was to walk in sin and the other is to walk in the good works that God had prepared for us. Let’s be conscious of the call to walk on the road to glory on God’s highway. And then walk on it resolutely to reflect that we as an individual and as a community of God, is truly a masterpiece of His!  

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