Wednesday 29 October 2014

Romans 8:29-39 – Be confident in God’s Sovereignty

Paul, here in verses 29-30, states clearly concerning God’s sovereign purpose for our salvation. He purposed to make us conform to the image of Christ. We have been initiated into the redeemed community of God, where Christ is the preeminence. So in verse 30, he briefly shows us the progression of our salvation from the moment we have been initiated into our faith to the moment we culminate in the glorification. Before the world began, God had a plan. In His plan He predetermined to love us. So in Christ, He took the initiative and took steps to save us. He quickened our hearts and called us to Himself and away from our sin. Then He justified us and mended our relationship with Himself through Jesus Christ, and then destined us for glory in Him.

Having justified us, God then continue to keep us in our walk with Him. He is for us and His keeping grace is always there to preserve us. For us who truly believe in Christ, there is a certainty of hope in Christ. In verses 31 to 39, we are shown two certainties that show God’s keeping grace in our lives. Firstly, He ensures that no one can cause us to lose our hope in God. And secondly, He ensures that nothing can rob us of our hope.

God demonstrated His great love for us and did not spare sending His Son to die for us. Paul argued that if God did not even spare His only Son for us, would He then allow anyone or anything to deter us in our walk with Him? The answer is obvious. In fact with Christ His Son, God will provide all means to ensure that security. Verse 33 tells us that He will even protect us from accusations. The Bible tells us that Satan is the accuser and thus, this verse indicates that God will protect us from his accusations. We can be sure that God will never condemn those whom He had already justified. He will not allow anyone to condemn us. We can be assured. Why? Because our relationship with Him is sealed by Christ’s death, resurrection, ascension and His continual intercession for us.

Not only will God protect us from accusation, but He will also help us deal with circumstances that confront us. In Romans 8:35, we are shown seven circumstances, and that none of them can ever rob us of the hope. Our adversities can never rob us of our hope because Christ loves us absolutely. Therefore, Paul assertively proclaimed that no tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril or sword or death can ever separate us from Christ’s love.  

In Romans 8:36, Paul quoted from Psalm 44:22, calling for perseverance. Down through history, God’s people had experienced adversities. Therefore, it should be no surprise if present believers should also experience them. But perseverance in times of adversities had been the hallmark of a genuine believer. True believers never fringe in times of adversities, thus their hope remain steadfast. For in all these things, true believers will be overwhelming victors. We are told here that we are more than conquerors. That is to say that Christians become progressively Christ-like as they refuse to succumb to adversity by relying on the sufficiency of Christ. That guarantees their security. 

Paul concluded by a declaration of confidence in verses 38-39. In Christ, we have the confidence that nothing can separate us from God’s love. By listing all the different things, Paul assures us that there is absolutely nothing that can ever rob us of our hope in Christ.

Death will not make God’s love depart from us. Neither will all the allurements of this life. Yes, not even spiritual powers or anything in time. Not power or the height of Heaven or the depth of Hell. Nothing in our times of disappointment, diseases, a fractured relationship, financial setbacks, crisis, and even insanity - absolutely nothing can and will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that He had shown for us in Christ Jesus our Lord!



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