Tuesday 28 October 2014

Romans 8:17-28 - The ultimate glory of believers

In the process of salvation, the stage called ‘glorification’ is where we should ultimately arrive. We deduce this from the Lord’s High Priestly prayer recorded in John 17. Paul now puts it in no uncertain term that this glorification will be the ultimate experience for all believers. This, to be experienced glory, is beyond comparison. It was forfeited at Adam’s fall but God will restore it to believers. We need to know that salvation is incomplete without sharing the ultimate glory with Christ. Paul calls it our future inheritance. As believers, we are “heirs of God,” meaning God is the source of their inheritance. Furthermore, believers are also fellow-heirs with Christ, meaning that this glorious inheritance will equal to that of Christ’s. For these two reasons, it is worthwhile for believers to endure all present sufferings. Present sufferings are God’s instrument to prepare believers to receive that ultimate glory.

In verses 19-27, Paul then went on to describe three types of groaning, expressing the deep desires for the glory of God. Firstly in verses 19-22, he talks about the groaning of creation. From Revelation 21:1, we know that there will ultimately be a glorified universe – a new heaven and new earth. There will come a time when God’s eternal Kingdom will be established. While waiting for that to happen, the whole creation groans for the curse to be removed. Romans 8:19-22 reveal that the whole creation groans and is yearning for the freedom from the weight and corrupt power of sin.

Secondly, in verses 23-25, Paul describes the believers’ groan. While believers may be the adopted children of God, they still feel the weight of their human nature. They still await the redemption of their bodies where they will share similar bodies as that of Christ’s. It will be only be at that point that the believers’ redemption will be complete. These verses also indicate to us that while the believers’ souls are redeemed, they do not have a compatible redeemed body yet. So they yearn for the day when their bodies, having been redeemed, will match their redeemed souls.

And thirdly, in verses 26-28, Paul went on to tell us that the Holy Spirit also yearns for believers to attain glorification. While in the present unredeemed bodies, we believers struggle in our quest for perfection. It is here that the Holy Spirit enters and helps us in our weaknesses. It is here that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us according to God’s will. Verse 28 tells us the most assuring factor in the Christian walk – the intercessory work of the Holy Spirit within. And this gives believers the assurance that “… all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose.” Paul probably had in mind the believers’ current as well as their future circumstances.

Regardless of whatever had or will ever happen to us as believers, God is constantly engineering things for both our immediate and ultimate benefit for His ultimate glory. What a blessed thought! We will ultimately share in the glory of Christ. It behooves us therefore, not to be afraid of the present sufferings. Keep the first three words of Romans 8:28 at the forefront of our thoughts and be assured. “For we know…,” that ultimate glory is ours. That is our certainty. Praise be unto God!   

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