Tuesday 15 July 2014

Mark 5:25 -34 – An object lesson on faith

As Jesus was on the journey to Jairus’ home, the account was interrupted by another needy person. This was an unknown lady with a hemorrhage for 12 years. Despite consulting many doctors and suffering at their hands, and finally depleted of all her savings, she was none the better. What’s nasty about her experience was that her condition worsened despite all that she could and had done.  

So when she heard about Jesus, it won't be a surprise that she would come behind Him in the crowd and touched His cloak. She reckoned that if she could only touch one of the four tassels of Jesus’ mantle, she would be healed. What an attitude of faith! So her faith moved her into action and what she anticipated happened. She could literally feel the bleeding stopped the moment her hand laid hold of the tassel. And finally she was free from her affliction. The same power that delivered the demoniac of Gerasene, and stopped the storm that confronted the disciples on the Sea of Galilee, was unleashed and healed her illness of 12 long years.

Jesus could perceive that the healing virtue went out of Him, stopped, turned to the crowd and asked, “Who touched my garments?” His disciples unperceptively remonstrated with Him. They must have felt that the Lord was being illogical. With the multitude that surrounded Him, it was easy for someone to touch Him either accidentally or deliberately. So what difference does it make, or so they thought! No one knew but Jesus that whoever had touched His garment didn’t just touch it without a reason. It was done with faith and a deliberate objective in mind.

Imagine that woman with her heartbeats racing, probably in ecstasy, both in joy and awesome fear, stood trembling before the Lord of the universe. Her eyes beaming with tears in her great rapturous joy and emotion, acknowledging to the Lord of lords. But wait, there must be another reason for this healing. Remember that the Lord was on the way to Jairus’ house, whose daughter was still lying in bed and death was beckoning. Precious minutes were lost. Jairus’ could be reasoning to himself, “Why must she stop the Lord at this time?” He could well be murmuring under his breath, “Common Jesus, common!” Little did he know that this healing was not just for the sake of the lady, but also for him, for the crowd and for us today!

Jesus turned around and saw that lady standing before Him, in simple innocent faith. She had no idea that Jesus would know all that she had done. Jesus acknowledged her simple faith and instructed her to go in peace and be totally healed of her affliction.  

Bear in mind that all this happened in the earshot of Jairus. Could it be that he, for a while, had forgotten about her daughter at home and began to elevate Christ? His own fledgling faith must have been enhanced by what he saw and processed. We can bet that his hope for his daughter’s healing must have swelled though he was not aware of the shocking news that would soon reach him.

What is it in this story for us but that Christ knows every need we have, both small and big! Like His response to Jairus, He would respond to our desperate cry. Should the answer seem delayed in coming, do not waver, just continue to trust. Learn to see everything from the perspective of faith, for without it, it’s impossible to please God.    

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