Sunday 13 July 2014

Mark 5:14 -20 - A great testimony

Just picture the herd of about 2,000 demonized stampeding swine, each blindly charging and then one by one went hurling down the cliff and disappearing into the sea. Given the way the swine ended we have a powerful visual impact of how great the deliverance of the demoniac was. It also gives us a graphic image of how colossal the loss was to the swine owner. More than these, the demoniac’s dramatic deliverance and the annihilation of the pigs, graphically displayed the power of Christ.

The herdsmen who were tending the pigs, ran and reported all that had happened in the town and countryside.  On hearing the report, the people came to see what had happened. When they arrived, they saw Jesus with the demoniac, who was properly attired, totally delivered and sane. They could also affirmed that he was truly the same man who was once the home to legion of demons, so they became afraid. We can imagine how those who saw everything must have responded. They just simply could not stop describing what had happened to the victim and the mass suicide of the swine.     

What happened next is unbelievable, instead of welcoming Jesus, they implored Him to leave their region. Perhaps their consideration was a commercial decision. Two thousand swine lost in a day was too much to take. Perhaps they also considered the demands Christ would make, that would be too costly to sacrifice.   

We are given a glimpse of how people would respond to Jesus and His works. The people not willing to make the sacrifice do not want Him in their lives. But it would be different for one who has been deeply touched by Him. This ex-demoniac came, as the Lord was getting into the boat, and asked to follow Jesus. He was told instead to the go home to his people and share his personal testimony. He was to tell of the great things the Lord had done for Him and the mercy that was showered on Him. Obediently, he went back and told the people of Decapolis, the ten Greek Cities on the eastern side of the Sea of Galilee, including Damascus. These were mainly Gentile communities. When the people of these cities heard the report of this man they were amazed.

Christ has the authority and power to build our self-esteem. We need Him to renew our minds to enable us to live a transformed life. We need His transforming presence daily and regularly.       

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