Tuesday 1 July 2014

Mark 3:28-30 – The eternal sin

In these verses, Jesus gave a very alarming warning. He said, “Truly I say to you, all sins shall be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin….”

Jesus made it quite clear that all manner of blasphemies against Him, vile as they might be, could be forgiven. But not the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Why did Jesus say the scribes were committing the unpardonable sin by what they said about Him earlier? It’s because they were saying that the Lord had an unclean spirit and attributed the work of God through Him as the work of the evil one. Jesus calls it the eternal sin. The point here is that they did not just say it once, but they kept on continually repeating it.

The religious leaders, the scribes, failed to realize how very close they were to committing this unpardonable sin. They were skirting on the borders of blasphemy. For they kept denying the work of the Holy Spirit and kept saying that the Lord’s deliverance ministry and miracles were the works of evil spirits. By persisting in this attitude, they were hanging precariously at the brink of crossing that line.

The unpardonable sin is one of those often misunderstood teachings of the church. What exactly is the unpardonable sin? It is the continual and persistent rejection of the witness of the Holy Spirit concerning our Savior’s divinity and His saving grace. It’s the incessant, deliberate and defiant attribution of the work of light to that of darkness. It is the persistent and repetitive rejection of the witness of the Holy Spirit, be it in the form of His quiet witness in the conscience, or through the logical reasoning of the Word of God, or by signs, wonders and miracles.

What’s terrifying is the fact that the scribes were not people who were not acquainted with the Word. They were people who dealt with the Word of God daily and were familiar with it.  Being acquainted with the Word should have helped them to recognize Jesus and His works. Yet they were plotting to terminate Him and kept attributing His compassion, love and deliverance ministry to that of Satan and evil spirits. Unwittingly, they were hardening their hearts against the wooing of God’s love. If they persist in that way it would bring them to a point where they could not accept the only remedy to their sin and the forgiveness of God became illusive.

As we handle the Scripture, we must stop pointing our accusing finger of condemnation at others. Instead let’s seek God for the spirit of discernment to enable us to identify and glorify God for His grace at work in our life.  

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