Tuesday 27 May 2014

Colossians 2:8 - False teachings identified

This verse is Paul’s first clearest assault against false teachings. He warned the believers in Colossae not to be imprisoned by philosophy which is not only empty but also deceptive ideas. Paul went on to make three statements about this philosophy.

Firstly, it was according to the tradition of men. They gave their teaching and passed it off as if they were the tradition which their ancestors had taught. Their teaching had no divine endorsement because they were merely human thoughts and ideas. This phrase, “the tradition of men” was the same Jesus used to describe the Pharisees in Mark 7:8. They passed on their own human ideas as if they were the traditional teachings of the forefathers.    

Secondly, they were based on the “elementary principles of this world.” They were based on things taken from the sphere of material and natural world.  They have most likely involved looking into the natural elements of the world, at the stars and astrological signs or zodiac signs. From those signs they then apportioned personality and power over lives of men and the course of nature. It was based on the spirit of this age and not of Christ. As a result their lives and conducts were under the influence of astrological powers and not that of the Spirit of Christ.  

Thirdly, their philosophy did not have its foundation in Christ Jesus. Christianity is about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the personal Savior and Lord. It is not a system of beliefs as the false teaching in Colossae was propagating. .

Just as accepting false teachings would influence how a person behave and live so also would Biblical doctrines and truths affect how we behave and conduct our lives. We should allow Biblical truths to influence us and govern how we conduct each day of our lives. This begs the necessity to truly study and know the Word of God for ourselves. Let’s heed Paul’s word to Timothy saying, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15)   

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