Thursday 1 May 2014

2 Corinthians 10:12-18 - True accountability in ministry

In earlier verses, Paul argued that he was not depending on external qualities such as eloquence to authenticate his apostleship. Now in verse 12, Paul assured them that he wouldn’t compare himself with those who were indulging in self-promotion. To him when one compares himself with another person, he shows a lack of understanding. He fails to realize that each person is gifted differently and has different ability. Besides such a person tends to compare himself with others who are less capable than him and derives a false sense of security through it. Paul, however, would not give in to such a practice. He chose to stay with what would give him real security and be authentic. The apostle would not boast about things beyond him. For Paul, he would rather be level-headed and exercise his God-given abilities to minster to others and reach them, and in this case the Corinthians.     

In verse 14, Paul argued that he would not take credit for work that others had done. But as far as the Corinthians were concerned, he and his associates were the first to reach them with the gospel of Christ. He was confident that the faith in the believers at Corinth would grow, and he would not take credit for all of it. For he realized that others had also invested themselves and he was not the only one who had devoted himself to them.  

In verses 15-17, Paul was taking a jibe at his opponents who took other people’s work and claimed them as their own. Paul himself would not claim credit for another person’s work nor would he invade into another person’s territory. He knew that all the results of his work was God working through Him and God alone deserved the glory. Here Paul also sarcastically implied to the Corinthians that they were the ones who had kept him and his associates from going to “the regions beyond”, because of the Corinthians’ lack of faith. They were the ones who had kept them from going further by creating so many problems for him and he had to take time to solve them. If they had submitted to his leadership and obeyed the Word, he could have gone further and reached more souls.

In 2 Corinthians 10:17, Paul quoted Jeremiah 9:24. For the Corinthians were doing the opposite. They had the tendency to glory in men. This was seen in how they priced the Jewish opponents over that of Paul. They were so taken in by their reports and letters of recommendation that they had devalued Paul’s ministry and made it look unsuccessful. The final test, Paul assured them, was not in what men had said to approve themselves but what God would say at the Judgment seat of Christ.   

We need to be true to God, to self and the leaders God had placed over us. We must rightly evaluate our calling. When we are sure God had led us to where we are, we should stay focused and help that ministry to fulfill the God given mandate and stop comparing it with others. Remember, God has called different churches to different tasks. Stay faithful to His calling in your life.

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