Sunday 27 October 2013

Acts 6:1-7 - Unity and Growth Prevailed

Chapter 6 begins by telling us that a period of unspecified duration had lapsed where the church kept on growing. There arose in the church problems concerning food distribution and other problems related to the supplies to the needy. The main issue that confronting the leadership of the church at that point was the issue of discrimination. The rapidly growing church was threatened by division.

Who were the Hellenist? And who were the native Jews?

The Hellenists were Jews that were born abroad and chose to speak common Greek. They could have also understood aramaic but for cultural convenience chose to speak Greek. For some reasons, the Hellenists preferred to return to Jerusalem in the last years of their life. The native Jews, on the other hand, were like the Twelve, born and bred in the land and they spoke Aramaic or Hebrew.

The population of the Hellenists grew and it became difficult to fully take care of their widows' needs in the usual food distribution. So they complained to the apostles that the widows of the native Jews were getting a better deal than theirs.    

The apostles, who knew their priority was to the ministry of the Word and to  prayer, refused to compromise on these. Calling the congregation of disciples together, they explained that it would be unwise for them to neglect their primary duties. They in fact should devote themselves to these primary duties. Wise move!

The Word and prayer are fundamental blocks for stability in the church. It would be foolhardy to neglect these primary, foundational and spirtual issues of church life. They are just as critical for any serious minded Christian who desires to grow in spiritual maturity and stability in his or her walk with God.

So the apsotles proposed that seven capable men be appointed to help with the administration details of the food distribution. The qualities of these seven to be chosen must be respected men of good reputation. They must also be full of  the Spirit as well as full of wisdom.

The seven chosen were probably a good mix of both Hellenists and native Jews. They were Stephen, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas and Nicolas, a proselyte from Antioch. The seven chosen men were brought to the apostles to be prayed over, with the laying on of the apostles' hands.

Of the seven men chosen, Stephen was said to be full of faith and the Spirit. For from what took place in the next two or three chapters of Acts, we will discover that Stephen and Philip were featured a little more in the work of the Gospel. They are the kind of witnesses that the Lord needs for the advancement of the Kingdom. We should be inspired by their lives and like them develop our lives to be faithful, fervent and faith-filled witnesses of Christ.  

In verse 7, we learn that the word of God kept spreading and many disciples were added to the church growing population. Growth was rapid. The heart warming news was that a great number of those added to the growing believers  were priests, who had become obedient to the faith.  

Unity in the church must not be compromised. The harmony of the community must be  guarded and protected. This happens when both the leadership and members play their respective parts.

Leaders should not neglect the ministry of the Word and prayer. Capable and spiritual men of faith, wisdom and the Spirit must come forward to help with the running of the ministries. And everyone must seek to be responsible and accoutable to the mission that God had entrusted to us as a family.

We must seek the Lord and ask Him how we should play our part, not only for personal but also corporate growth.    

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