Sunday 13 October 2013

Acts 2:42-47 - God's Community

Genuine participation in the reality of the Lord always has a sustained enthusiasm. It is not a momentary experience. Hence, the Christian community met continually and devotedly. Essentially there are four components: teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayers.

Teaching was the ongoing life of the church. Experience without a strong foundation of the Word could be hazardous. What we experience helps us to affirm the reality of God's presence, but they must be based solidly on the objective Word of God.

Hence, teaching is a critical component in the on-going life of the church. It is not just any kind of teachings. It must be sound teachings based on apostolic tradition.  This kind of teaching will establish the church firmly on the truth of God's Word and keep her evangelical.

The true community also takes into consideration the fellowship. It's body-life. The word used here is "koinonia" meaning common or commonality. In the New Testament it has been translated with different words such as participation, partnership, fellowship and etc. The idea is this: the church shared a common life.

Verse 43 tells us that it was a fellowship attested by many signs and wonders from the hands of the Apostles. Not only that, verses 44-45 tell us that they pulled together their resources and placed them in a common pool.

Here we also see a picture of generosity. Those  capable would contribute more. They sold their property (likely to be their spare one) and brought the proceeds to the common coffer for the sustenance of the community. They literally divested themselves of the material good for the well-being of the community.

Then they also shared in "the breaking of bread." This was the clear expression that the Spirit was at work in the community. This refers not only to the "last supper" or the "communion" as we know it. But it also included a communal feast. It's a sort of a communal meal in anticipation of the ultimate banquet with the Messiah.      

Then they had prayers. They met in the temple and also in homes for prayers to commune with God. The Jewish hours of prayer were being observed. For our application, prayers must not only be offered on the Lord's day when we attend church service, it must also be a private, regular and daily exercise.

Notice in verses 46-47, the believers participated in the life of the church with gladness and sincerity. Praise to God was freely offered. They also found favor among the unbelievers and evangelism was a common occurance. Hence the church just kept on increasing in numbers. Why? Because the Lord kept saving the unbelievers  to be added to their number, daily.

The contemporary church can be taken up with so many seemingly legitimate activities.  As members of this community, we need to pause and reflect. We need to see if we are fulfilling our unique call. We need to align and be devoted to "the apostle's teaching and fellowship, to the  breaking of bread and prayers." Let's pray and individually seek to be used by the Lord to build a community where the Spirit truly reigns!



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